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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 07, 11:11:06pm
Author: TKE/81
Subject: Don't mean to beat a dead horse ...but only brings to mind the lousy quality of Duquesne Basketball video webcasts......When you can't add simply (decent) audio to a video feed, is beyond pathetic and has been going on for years!...more...
In reply to: CLK 's message, "Green Bay" on Tuesday, December 07, 09:50:43am

In this day and age, where everything's going digital video, Duquesne continues to be video neanderthal ....we produce the worst product (in Division I Basketball). When board viewers check-out Green Bay video podcast, you will understand what I'm talking about....being a video producer for over 30 years, I think I know what I speak of. This stuff is not brain surgery, it's basic video production 101 and not even an inordinate amount of work....it is simply put, not putting any effort to produce anything worth viewing....as in no effort!!!

Most of the posters on here are usually attending home games, so they don't get to see the lousy product Duquesne is putting out there.....many people rail-on, that we should be "higher profile" program.... this a perfect example why we are not....When is Amadio going understand that this is one the best means to extend the Duquesne brand, now and into the future.... Welcome to the 21st century Greg....adapt or be left behind...

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