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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 08, 09:31:03am
Author: El Duque
Subject: While I agree with you, I have to point out two things: 1. There is a very limited market for this right now. 2. A better system will obviously cost some money. I'd rather invest in recruiting right now.
In reply to: TKE/81 's message, "Don't mean to beat a dead horse ...but only brings to mind the lousy quality of Duquesne Basketball video webcasts......When you can't add simply (decent) audio to a video feed, is beyond pathetic and has been going on for years!...more..." on Tuesday, December 07, 11:11:06pm

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  • Improvements in the works? -- CLK, Wednesday, December 08, 11:45:52am
  • I'm sick of waiting, I've been complaining about this for over 2-3 years now..they should have had these (preported) changes at the Bluefield game... not in the budget...give me a break!.how much did they spend on improvements to the AJP Center?!.. just shows me that they don't care about us Alums out of the Pittsburgh geographic area...more -- TKE/81, Wednesday, December 08, 07:59:11pm
  • Wow! The Dukes AD is learning how to post videos online, I can hardly wait for 2003 to get here to what other technological breakthroughs the University is planning. (NT) -- DukeGeek, Thursday, December 09, 09:58:26am

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