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Date Posted: Thursday, December 02, 01:53:59pm
Author: Mike Ignelsi
Subject: First look
In reply to: DC'91 's message, "I wasn't that disappointed..." on Thursday, December 02, 01:28:28pm

Moving forward, there is no way to overlook the free throw issue. I'm assuming coach is doing everything under the sun to improve it, but it's time to look over the sun. Make the fts last night and Duquesne is in the game. Recruiting: we need bigger bodies that can play; a blind man can see that. But this year we have what we have, unless Ron Dunn and some buds come over from the football team -- which would be a campus martketing coup. Boxing out appears to be lost on this team, especially when playing zone defense. When the ball goes up, you have to hunt someone to box, do so, then go get it. If you box as a team, flat-footed, small guys can hold their own. Truth: Pitt has a handful of guys that will play in the NBA, Duquesne does not. I was not shocked by the outcome. TJ has big time talent.

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  • Snipe might still be binging after that one, eh? (NT) -- El Duque, Thursday, December 02, 01:58:20pm

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