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Date Posted: Friday, November 05, 03:19:47pm
Author: Seen on Miltenberger St
Subject: Duke is easy, they win and play exciting bball with nationally known players and an Olympic gold medal winning coach, and they have cut down the nets 3 times in 20 years. But there are places that have average teams and get a lot of students. I dont get it. Maybe halftime student boxing matches. Girls on trampoleens???
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "The age-old question. In my time, the losers were holed up in their dorm room with comic books and Organic Chem books. I'm sure this isn't endemic on the Bluff, and I wonder how schools from Duke to the University of Podunk manage to attract more engaged students." on Friday, November 05, 10:57:08am

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  • I used to hole up in my room with a bottle of Spinada or Bali Hai. Then go to the games. (NT) -- kenOTR73, Friday, November 05, 05:22:00pm

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