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Date Posted: Friday, November 05, 05:22:00pm
Author: kenOTR73
Subject: I used to hole up in my room with a bottle of Spinada or Bali Hai. Then go to the games.
In reply to: El Duque 's message, "The age-old question. In my time, the losers were holed up in their dorm room with comic books and Organic Chem books. I'm sure this isn't endemic on the Bluff, and I wonder how schools from Duke to the University of Podunk manage to attract more engaged students." on Friday, November 05, 10:57:08am

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  • Those "losers" you refer to are now probably successful lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, and other professionals who have no time to sit on a Duq BB blog site 24 hours a day. Enjoy your game, we have better ways to occupy our time, El Duque. Having said that, Duq. BB might be a fun alternative if they'd ever win sometime! (NT) -- KellyJ, Sunday, November 07, 01:28:51am
  • Actually, I have a great career, a successful marriage, good children, and a host of church and community-related things all going on in my life. In addition to those things, I have enough balance in my life to remain loyal to my alma mater's basketball team and enjoy the friendships and discussions I have on this message board. -- El Duque, Sunday, November 07, 09:07:19am
  • ... then why are you posting here with all the time your amazing career takes up, KellyJ? (NT) -- MFE08, Sunday, November 07, 10:56:14am

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