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Date Posted: Thursday, October 21, 11:03:34am
Author: El Duque
Subject: Coverage in both P-G and T-R. P-G also has a brief note on Saturday's fanfest. Just trying to be fair and point out when I think these guys are doing a good job.
In reply to: CLK 's message, "A10 Media Day" on Thursday, October 21, 09:55:38am

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  • Interesting that they apparently took the St. Louis situation into account (since Kwamain Mitchell is absent from any of the teams) and yet still have SLU rated higher than us. Seems to me that us and SLU should be swapped (us #6 and SLU #8) but I guess our boys can prove that on the court. (NT) -- Slim, Thursday, October 21, 02:48:35pm
  • Pre-season ratings tend to be politically correct. Mitchell , by most accounts, is expected back for A-10 play while Rob Loe is expected to slip into Reed's spot. -- TMH, Thursday, October 21, 03:24:05pm

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