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Date Posted: Friday, October 29, 05:48:35pm
Author: TMH
Subject: Here is a bit of an update and let me give you my read.
In reply to: WashpaRick 's message, "After reading the Trib story again his coach calls us the front runner. Then he says he's going to sign but not till spring. He didn't say he was signing with us. If the coach told the Trib he was signing with us no reason to call us the frontrunner. Sounds like some miscommunication." on Friday, October 29, 03:01:26pm


My theory is that Steve Hall contacted the young man, invited him for a campus visit, which he accepted. He liked what he saw and gave Duquesne a verbal. Information may have been passed on to the Tribune and he called Schmidt to confirm catching him unaware. IMO, Schmidt is nothing more than one of those shadowy advisors that soil college basketball and is really PO'd that the process did not go through him for reasons I won't go into here. If it were his academics andbasketball skills that he was concerned about, getting the process done early would be in his best interest, not stringing it out.

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