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Date Posted: 23:07:40 04/24/01 Tue
Author: Marge
Author Host/IP: ool-18b88545.dyn.optonline.net /
Subject: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave

I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately 1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home office on foster avenue during those years..Please email me..

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- becky (rebecca), 12:02:37 05/25/01 Fri (proxy-1468.public.svc.webtv.net/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..
hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u live, i am now in florida. i got this address site from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear fro you

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:44:52 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>email me..
>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>fro you

I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen Chalmers (Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:48:50 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from
>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>email me..
>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>>fro you
>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Colleen Chalmers
>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:51:42 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>>>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from
>>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory
>>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>>email me..
>>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989.
>>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do
>>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will
>>>fro you
>>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>>Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986 along with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Linda Palumbo, Sue Bookman, and Colleen
>>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joan Bender, 10:48:46 04/22/05 Fri (NoHost/

I worked in Advertising as a writer/copychief until 1979.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joan Bender, 10:52:57 04/22/05 Fri (NoHost/

I worked in Advertising as a writer/copychief until 1979. I remember every summer being invited with the other executives to Mr. Seedman's home on Centre Island. He had a private beach, tennis courts and a charming home. I always thought it was funny that he thought A&S was his competion But when he bought Martins that was a big mistake.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- gwendolyn walker (surprised), 11:01:04 05/05/09 Tue (gate1.slrhc.org/

>>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from
>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>email me..
>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>>fro you
>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen Chalmers
>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- joseph vera (help), 14:19:16 04/12/10 Mon (164-37.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com/

i worked for seedmans in puerto rico the only address i have is 1064 ponce de leon ave.santurce p.r.00907 before 1985 where are they now????
>>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory
>>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>>email me..
>>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989.
>>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do
>>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will
>>>fro you
>>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen Chalmers
>>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Marge Mandia, 15:46:06 01/11/12 Wed (ool-18e43455.dyn.optonline.net/

>i worked for seedmans in puerto rico the only address
>i have is 1064 ponce de leon ave.santurce p.r.00907
>before 1985 where are they now????
>>>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory
>>>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>>>email me..
>>>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989.
>>>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do
>>>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will
>>>>fro you
>>>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>>>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>>>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen
>>>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

HI Joseph,

I forgot all about this website! I think I remember you. I remember mrs Titus well and evie orlins ( who is now in Fla also) I am in long Island, Massapequa park, I have been in touch with some of the oldies from there. I am not sure you still check this thing but I may never find it again, my email address is mmjm319@optonline.net, thats the only way you can be sure I will see your reply!

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Eric Basener (Happy), 16:10:46 08/26/16 Fri (ip68-101-88-51.ga.at.cox.net/

I start work August 26 ,1969 in Babylon store printed store signs Display department Al Roosamoff in Schole Street was my boss Hal Dietz was affine gentleman who spoke to me many times. In 1974 transferred to Sayville Joan was the accountant for the store nice lady. I worked the switchboard once in a while and could not understand head of security Mr. Buckhouser with his accent ? Left the store as Shop Steward a month before TSS closed 1989. I too live in Florida 2005 transplant not a snowbird. Best people I ever worked with .
>>>>fro you
>>>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>>>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>>>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen
>>>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Pam, 22:21:10 03/07/13 Thu (ool-4576b1e4.dyn.optonline.net/

I haven't worked in tss but my brother did. I am tryin gto find out about the pension plan for him. can he still get his pension ans who is handling the pension now. >>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from
>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>email me..
>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>>fro you
>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen Chalmers
>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- brenda (lisanti), 09:46:13 11/02/13 Sat (65-35-137-53.res.bhn.net/

>>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from
>>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the
>>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>>email me..
>>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>>fro you
>I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville (LI) on
>Sunrise Hwy. with Terri Tailor, Terry Nardo, Tori
>Ingram, Jeff Parlamo, Sue Bookman, and Collen Chalmers
>(Nee Farrel). Any of these names ring a bell?
i worked the switchboard in saylille for 10 yrs

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- fyi, 18:04:50 01/06/05 Thu (hide4.cybergnostic.com/

>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>email me..
>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>fro you

Glenn MYLES has held various ownership positions in diverse businesses from retail, auto parts, finance, shopping centers, hotels, oil drilling, music businesses, movies production companies, professional sports teams, and others. Most notably, in 1986, at the age of 31, Glenn acquired a local New York retail company, TSS-Seedmans, Inc. At the time, the chain included 23 stores with over 4,000,000 square feet of selling space and had sales of almost $250,000,000. The company employed 3,500 full-time employees and 1,500 part-timers. Glenn became partners with the Pritzker family of Chicago (owners of the Hyatt Hotels, the Marman Group) and the Schmidt family of Germany (owners of the Metro Group), in this acquisition. The company was eventually disbanded yielding a profitable exit for the partners.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Pete, 07:34:42 07/24/08 Thu (lyn50-227.optonline.net/

>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>email me..
>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>fro you Anybody remember me? I worked the car radio dept with rocky 1984!Vicky was my girlfriend at the time!!Pete

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Mike Gottlieb, 06:44:31 02/09/12 Thu (cpe-67-250-11-226.nyc.res.rr.com/

>>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>email me..

I worked at Foster Ave until they closed in the Merchandising (Buyer's) Division with Alan Goldklang, Hector Hoyos, Dave Levine, Karl Brottenburg, Zigi Weinberg, Judd Nelson, Lee Ferrante, Nat Brandoff, and others whose names now escape me. I remember Brandoff's brother headed up the Inventory Control Dep't, but I can't seem to recall his first name. The good old days, in many respects......

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joe Coppola, 06:06:23 04/26/12 Thu (ool-4571fc02.dyn.optonline.net/

Nat Brandoff's brother was Izzy (Isadore Brandoff). I worked in the Melville and Levittown stores in the 70s in the receiving departments with Charlie Ballman (Melville) and Gene Gabrell (Levittown)

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Leon Obryant, 16:38:18 11/27/12 Tue (dpc6935192126.direcpc.com/

i worked in several of the stores Linden Blvd., Lawrence, Oceanside. anyone remember Ray Diaze from Hardware in Law??

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Sharon, 07:00:32 03/08/13 Fri (jupiter.fl.us/

Hello! I worked in the Levittown Store cash office/cashier for 8 years. From 1978 to 1986. I worked with Kim, Marge and Peggy. Later Christine came in to work with us too. I meet so many great people working there over the years, like Ed in sporting goods along with John L. & John S.. Also, Debbie Z, Kelly Z. and so many others.I remain friends with some still. Anyone else remember this store?

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joseph Di Domenico, 05:37:28 06/07/13 Fri (ool-18b9e183.dyn.optonline.net/

I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the security department and began in Levittown NY; I worked in just about every store Seedman had--except Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken Farrell, and George Baque.

Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe now they're just call Unum). I found it out through the US Department of Labor.

I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So, apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and I suspect one place while the company operating under Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS Seedmans.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Barbara, 22:34:38 11/21/15 Sat (ool-457d4ae3.dyn.optonline.net/

>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>Farrell, and George Baque.
>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through

>the US Department of Labor.
>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>Seed mans

Do you remember a manager named Bill Strickland from 1968?

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joseph DiDomenico (Joseph DiDomenico), 06:17:28 05/26/17 Fri (ool-6894c1d6.dyn.optonline.net/

>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>the US Department of Labor.
>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>Seed mans
>Do you remember a manager named Bill Strickland from

Yes; I think he was the paint and or plumbing department manager.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Barbara, 19:41:50 09/01/19 Sun (ool-44c32a8e.dyn.optonline.net/

>>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>>the US Department of Labor.
>>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that
>>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>>Seed mans
>>Do you remember a manager named Bill Strickland from
>Yes; I think he was the paint and or plumbing
>department manager.
Yes, that’s Bill. He was in the paint Dept. Any way to reach him? It’s very important. Barbara Ann Sugrue.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Barbara, 19:36:16 09/01/19 Sun (ool-44c32a8e.dyn.optonline.net/

>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>the US Department of Labor.
>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>Seed mans
>Do you remember a manager named Bill Strickland from

Yes, Bill was the manager of that department! Any way to reach him now? It’s quite important.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- ted matozzo (hey Joe), 16:28:06 09/28/16 Wed (ool-44c00404.dyn.optonline.net/

>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>Farrell, and George Baque.
>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>the US Department of Labor.
>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown, it is now being torn down not sure why.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Joseph DiDomenico (Joseph DiDomenico), 06:12:52 05/26/17 Fri (ool-6894c1d6.dyn.optonline.net/

>>I worked for Times Square Stores Corp, later called
>>TSS-Seedmans, from 1968 through 1980. I was in the
>>security department and began in Levittown NY; I
>>worked in just about every store Seedman had--except
>>Puerto Rico. I worked with Harry Bukofzer, Ken
>>Farrell, and George Baque.
>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>the US Department of Labor.
>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that I
>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>it is now being torn down not sure why.

Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like it is going up there.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- marjorie (mandia), 18:13:45 04/17/18 Tue (ool-44c6e13c.dyn.optonline.net/

This is Marge Mandia, I am currently collecting a tss pension. The company now holding the pension is Paul revere companies.. 1 fountain square Chattanoga , tn 37402 phone number 1800 821 4693.. I hope this helps you if you even get this message :)
>>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I found
>>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>>the US Department of Labor.
>>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that
>>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them. So,
>>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions and
>>>I suspect one place while the company operating under
>>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>>it is now being torn down not sure why.
>Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope
>all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a
>Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed
>that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like
>it is going up there.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Stan, 23:54:29 01/05/19 Sat (cpe-104-139-19-16.carolina.res.rr.com/

The Levittown store became Kmart, which closed in 2004. Home Depot bought the building and kept it empty for 13 years. Finally, they knocked it down and built a new Home Depot building.

>This is Marge Mandia, I am currently collecting a tss
>pension. The company now holding the pension is Paul
>revere companies.. 1 fountain square Chattanoga , tn
>37402 phone number 1800 821 4693.. I hope this
>helps you if you even get this message :)
>>>>Some in her asked about the TSS Pension plan. I
>>>>who is administering it, it's Unum Provident (maybe
>>>>now they're just call Unum). I found it out through
>>>>the US Department of Labor.
>>>>I got a letter from Stanley Fox (remember him?) that
>>>>had a pension in my name. However, Unum doesn't have
>>>>it, so someone else must, and I can't find them.
>>>>apparently, two places were handling TSS pensions
>>>>I suspect one place while the company operating
>>>>Times Square Stores, and Unum when it became TSS
>>>Hey Joe, hope all is well, I used to work for you in
>>>Levittown as a Cust Service Supervisor, found this by
>>>accident while searching about the TSS in Levittown,
>>>it is now being torn down not sure why.
>>Hey, Ted - yes, I remember you. I'm doing well; hope
>>all is well with you. Yes, the old place became a
>>Kmart-- I'd worked there for awhile, too. Kmart closed
>>that store, and I heard a Home Depot or a store like
>>it is going up there.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Barbara, 14:26:38 08/16/15 Sun (ool-457d46ee.dyn.optonline.net/

I worked at the.Levittown TSS in the late 60's. Anyone know what happened to Bill Strickland. He was a manager. >>I I worked in Tss seedmans home office from a proximately
>>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>>email me..
>hi marge, i worked at TSS started in 1977 till 1989. i
>worked in the systems dept. for barry gold. where do u
>live, i am now in florida. i got this address site
>from thelma who worked for mr. dietz. hope i will hear
>fro you

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Dawn B, 11:32:13 07/05/01 Thu (spider-wi041.proxy.aol.com/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..********************** I worked at TSS Seedmans also from 1985-1991 I worked in merchandising for Jim Dunn (bikes) I remember everyone from there this was a long time ago Merchandising...Benita,Marge Roncone, Patti, Phyllis, Crazy Randy!!! John Valley, Andy cant remember too many last names and who could forget red haired Toni Esposito....we had a blast back then I worked there from when i was 18-21....I am turning 35 next month....thanks for the memories!!!!

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Aida Arevalo, 08:39:23 10/19/05 Wed (bi01pt1.ct.us.ibm.com/

Anyone remember and/ or have any recollection of Campo Arevalo the company president

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Merly Velazquez, 01:37:02 08/02/13 Fri (adsl-074-166-154-055.sip.mia.bellsouth.net/

>Anyone remember and/ or have any recollection of Campo
>Arevalo the company president
Hi my name is Merly Velazquez I work in TSS Seedmans as a buyer in PR Stores.
Campo Arevalo is working with a Chain of Supermarkets in PR. Last time that I contact him was about 4 years ago.
Director of Operations and Human Resources
Plaza Loiza Corp

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Hardlines 10401, 19:37:09 07/08/01 Sun (spider-tm021.proxy.aol.com/

Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
1 Levittown
2 Elmont
3 Linden
4 Babylon
5 Melville
6 Middle Island
7 Oceanside
8 Lawrence
9 Hempstead
10 Sayville
11 Metropolitan
12 Bruckner
13 Kearney
14 North Bergen
17 Astoria
20 Springfield
21 Bayridge
23 Sheepshead Bay
Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Marge, 23:11:29 07/26/01 Thu (ool-18b88545.dyn.optonline.net/

>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>1 Levittown
>2 Elmont
>3 Linden
>4 Babylon
>5 Melville
>6 Middle Island
>7 Oceanside
>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>9 Hempstead
>10 Sayville
>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>12 Bruckner
>13 Kearney
>14 North Bergen
>17 Astoria
>20 Springfield
>21 Bayridge
>23 Sheepshead Bay
>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 21:18:47 11/27/04 Sat (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff Parlamo.
Any o those names ring a bell? >>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 20:53:33 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

> I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on
>Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor
>was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A
>gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a
>dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were
>running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I
>worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff
>Any o those names ring a bell?
> >>Contest # 1
>"Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: Dr. Tarr and Proffesor Feather.
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese,, 07:50:54 11/29/04 Mon (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

> I worked at the TSS Seedmans in Sayville on
>Sunrise Hwy. from Aug. 1985 to May, 1986. Terri Tailor
>was the manager of the stationary/luggage dept. A
>gaggle of stuffed shirts all named "Jeff" and a
>dipsh*t named EUGene Mullins pretended that they were
>running the place. That's all I [care to] remember. I
>worked along with Terri Nardo, Tori Ingram, and Jeff
>Any o those names ring a bell?
> >>Contest # 1
>"Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: We had a Store Manager?
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:38:33 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville: Lord Choas(?)
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:39:35 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>>1 Levittown
>>>2 Elmont
>>>3 Linden
>>>4 Babylon
>>>5 Melville
>>>6 Middle Island
>>>7 Oceanside
>>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>>9 Hempstead
>>>10 Sayville: Lord Chaos(?)
>>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>>12 Bruckner
>>>13 Kearney
>>>14 North Bergen
>>>17 Astoria
>>>20 Springfield
>>>21 Bayridge
>>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Sean Greene, 05:26:22 10/27/08 Mon (cpe-075-176-104-126.carolina.res.rr.com/

>>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>>1 Levittown Pat Maligno
>>2 Elmont
>>3 Linden
>>4 Babylon Ben Weprinski
>>5 Melville
>>6 Middle Island
>>7 Oceanside
>>8 Lawrence gary neglia?
>>9 Hempstead
>>10 Sayville
>>11 Metropolitan ralph olio
>>12 Bruckner
>>13 Kearney
>>14 North Bergen
>>17 Astoria
>>20 Springfield
>>21 Bayridge
>>23 Sheepshead Bay
>>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese, 02:46:10 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>1 Levittown
>2 Elmont
>3 Linden
>4 Babylon
>5 Melville
>6 Middle Island
>7 Oceanside
>8 Lawrence
>9 Hempstead
>10 Sayville: Satan
>11 Metropolitan
>12 Bruckner
>13 Kearney
>14 North Bergen
>17 Astoria
>20 Springfield
>21 Bayridge
>23 Sheepshead Bay
>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>Watch for our next contest.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Carl J. Maltese,, 20:52:02 11/28/04 Sun (65-103-120-65.dnvr.qwest.net/

>Contest # 1 "Name the last Store Manager"
>1 Levittown
>2 Elmont
>3 Linden
>4 Babylon
>5 Melville
>6 Middle Island
>7 Oceanside
>8 Lawrence
>9 Hempstead
>10 Sayville: Panic and Disorder
>11 Metropolitan
>12 Bruckner
>13 Kearney
>14 North Bergen
>17 Astoria
>20 Springfield
>21 Bayridge
>23 Sheepshead Bay
>Send your answers to: Hardlines 10401@aol.com
>Watch for our next contest.

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Lorraine Michalak, 05:39:48 02/28/02 Thu (NoHost/

>I worked in TSS frome 1974 until closing. I worked for Miss Titus, in accts. payable. I still hear from Earline Williams, Linda Kaplan and Camille. There aren't to many
people left in Canarsie from way back. This brings back
lots of memories.>...Lorraine

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Debbie, 17:40:39 04/03/02 Wed (spider-we071.proxy.aol.com/

Hii!!! Lorraine!!! I Found it!!! I WORKED AT TSS with you for 4 1/2 years. Hope your not working too hard... HAVE FUN!! Write Back

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[> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Lorraine Michalak, 05:18:33 04/04/02 Thu (NoHost/

>Hii!!! Lorraine!!! I Found it!!! I WORKED AT TSS with
>you for 4 1/2 years. Hope your not working too hard...
>HAVE FUN!! Write Back
Hi Debbie I'm glad you found it. Don't forget to
show it to your mom. I think she will like it. Lorraine

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[> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Steve Belgard, 21:02:26 02/07/08 Thu (NoHost/

I know this was posted years ago, but just found it. Is this Lorraine from the Bayridge store? If so, you worked with me and my father, Abe Belgard. He moved to Florida and passed away in 1990. Let me know if this is you...

Best -
Steve Belgard

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Lorraine Michalak, 09:45:31 05/29/08 Thu (12-111-30-89.sourcemedia.com/

No I am sorry Steve, I worked in the home office on Foster Ave. in Canarsie.

Sorry to hear about your Dad.

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Louise (La Femina) Mazzeo, 18:29:46 04/19/02 Fri (spider-wa043.proxy.aol.com/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..

My mom worked there. Her name was Lucille (La Femina) Swenson. She also worked with Darlene.

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Celeste (Mitchell) DuBose, 19:30:28 12/31/03 Wed (

Hey Marge!!!
I worked at TSS in Personnel with Ruth, mary, Linda & Nina and then had the pleasure to transfer down to Buying with Fran, Fred, Dottie, Randy, Lee, Benita, Sharon, oh my!!! Everyone!! I know I am missing SO MANY people!!! I absolutely loved it there til they were liquidated and gone. So many memories, and all were good ones. Thanks so much for starting this!!! I am now in Florida and wish I still kept in touch with everyone. Take care!!!

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Deborah Lanzi, 08:22:17 06/11/04 Fri (user32.grey.com/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..
Hi Marge, I cant believe it. I worked with my sister Donna Lanzi and Vilma Mogavero. Janice Berry became my supervisor. Remember me? I married Mike Lopez had a daughter Ciara. she is now 21 years old and I am happily divorced. Please e-mail me. Seems like such a long time ago. Debbie

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Rick, 17:52:02 01/06/05 Thu (hide4.cybergnostic.com/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..

w/ bob erhart..mary...john..jerry..dave...ian...russel thomas..ann..kim...
long memories...some good>great Xmas parties...

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Bill Hansen, 12:05:44 01/20/05 Thu (hmext1.horacemann.com/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..
I started my TSS years in Oceanside Auto Dept in 1982 worked as asst mgr of toys and later Stationery Mgr. Worked for Mr. Wolberg. had a great crew in that store. My first real job out of college. I was then transfered to Hempstead where I was Stationery Mgr and then promoted to Housewares Mgr. My last position with the company was at the Metro store where I was Asst store Mgr in charge of Hardlines. I worked for store mgr Walter Grabowski. The store was liquidating when they sent me back to Oceanside because they had too little staff to run the store. I stayed there until we put the key in the door for the last time. If any of my old friends from Oceanside, Hempstead, or Metro are out there. Please contact me. Bill Hansen

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Laser Haas, 16:54:54 01/09/06 Mon (cache-ntc-ac05.proxy.aol.com/

Any one have knowledge of Barry Gold or the Attorney's Paul Traub Michael Fox

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Karen Becker, 09:47:51 07/10/08 Thu (rrcs-24-103-2-82.nyc.biz.rr.com/

>My mother Rosemarie Blacknik worked at TSS on Foster Ave in the 80's. She was the secretary to the President, then they moved to Five Towns for last few years. She passed away in 1995 of Leukemia.

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[> [> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Lorraine Michalak, 12:37:23 07/15/08 Tue (12-111-30-89.sourcemedia.com/

I remember your Mom well. She was a lovely woman and I was sorry to hear she passed.
I also remember your brother. I believe he worked on the summer in A/P. i hope you and your family are well
>years. She passed away in 1995 of Leukemia.

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- Penny Glass Redisch, 21:59:00 02/17/10 Wed (cache-ntc-ab09.proxy.aol.com/

I worked at TSS from around 1971 to 1984. I worked in the Service Dept., my boss was Leon Lacoff & Tony Cianci. It was great. I left to have my son. I am in touch with Olga, she was an older woman who sold jewelry. Does any of this sound familiar?

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[> Re: Anyone from TSS Seedmans home office on Foster ave -- brenda (lisanti), 15:48:45 07/02/13 Tue (65-35-130-185.res.bhn.net/

>I worked in Tss seedmans home office from aproximately
>1970 till they closed...I worked in inventory control
>and merchandising.. If any one else worked in the home
>office on foster avenue during those years..Please
>email me..

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