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Date Posted: 18:57:19 03/17/07 Sat
Author: Ann
Subject: Re: Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers
In reply to: Pony 's message, "Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers" on 20:07:18 03/14/07 Wed

What the hell is she doing?

It’s not all that different, though.

Still got my demons.

I have missed Joss. I have missed that not only does he ask these sorts of questions of his characters, but he asks them of himself too. And us, the new watchers. But a “comforting” note, in that it won’t be all that different!

I think this new comic feels very Fray-ish. I think that the new high tech feel will be the run up to tying in the future Fray canon. The demon on page 9 looks remarkably similar to the smoother headed demon Urkonn.

Joss counts nerd points!

The line “You think I fear the cross?” is almost an Mal-ism. Buffy first appears flying in down from the stars. Nice continuity from Serenity. Not just an object in space, but a moving purposeful object in space. Several characters enter flying in, except Xander, at the control board, and Dawn stuck in a castle.

I think the marking on the demon’s chest, if flipped over, is very reminiscent of the later page showing the remains of Sunnydale. A hole in the ground, with a bright star shape below it, showing us how the end happened. Maybe a marking of some kind for those that survived the Sunnydale incident.

Which leads us to the flying black booted man with a long black trench coat, which immediately made me think of both Angel and Spike, who wears those sorts of clothes. Are they still lurking around? That was my first thought rather than the W&H attackers.

Which then leads us to the flying General, claiming Buffy et al are terrorists. I am not sure this can be handled smoothly. I don’t think it is the Initiative redux and I hope not, but maybe it is as new well handled organization like the new Slayers (sans Watchers?) seems to be. Does the scar on his eye seem to replicate the marking on the demon?

As to the Dawn expansion of character, fans often said they saw too much whiney Dawn. Well here she is now in full blooming glory. And plus, we all know that she hated being the little sister. I agree with you Pony, in that I hope it isn’t about her virginity, because that is a huge switch from the themes of empowerment and choice in Chosen. I really hope not. Punishment for losing ones virginity is a little too paternalistic. The position Buffy takes on the floor when speaking to Dawn is curious. Head hanging down over the edge of the wall. Neck bared. Kind of like how sisters would chat in their bedroom, one on the bed, head flipped back upside down. Relaxed but their conversation was not. Playing the role of sisters, rather than actually being sisters. Their challenge.

When Buffy thinks, “I miss my home.” she is in a castle next to a giant valley. Her real home is now a giant valley. Great juxtaposition paralleling the title. Her sister, her shadow, is now a giant. Representative of her pain, her loss and all that has changed. But in the scene where she thinks, “I miss my mom.” the view is toward the sky, stuff higher up. She needs to remember to look up, starting with her sister. I think her fears about Dawn’s virginity are just remembrances of her own virginity loss experience with Angel. The world grows.

I am not sure what I think of the return of Amy. I guess some retribution for her treatment by the Scoobies was something lots of people thought appropriate. Maybe this arc will be part of Amy’s revenge and she will use this faux Initiative as her minions. I kinda hope the boyfriend is Rack.

This got longer than I thought. I am so glad Buffy is back!!

Happiest and most frustrating line in the story though, “To be continued…”

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