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Date Posted: 22:31:39 03/25/07 Sun
Author: anom
Subject: Re: Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers (long)
In reply to: Pony 's message, "Buffy 8.1 - Spoilers" on 20:07:18 03/14/07 Wed

These comments are basically expanded from notes I jotted while waiting for other stuff to happen on my slow computer. Which is why it's taken till now to post when I bought the comic on Wednesday. (Forbidden Planet came through like they promised--the shelf was full to the outer edge, & I bet they had more to replace 'em with.)

Scottish Slayer (Leah) looks like the Black Widow in the opening “drop from the sky” spread, doesn't she?

The TGiQ reference makes me want to watch the ep again (not that I have the time) to hear just how Andrew was playing the 2 vamps in, probably, every 1 of his lines!

Xander’s 1st few spoken lines remind me of his soldier persona from Hallowe’en...& fit in w/his Nick Fury predilection, heh. Of course, his very 1st line directly channels Faith! (but I always heard “Buff” w/2 f’s in my head)

I loved the bubble-gum-blowing Slayer in the “Dat vent vell” panel! But I agree, the accents were a bit painful. And the one w/the kitty-ears I think has topped Vi in the bad-hat department.

The guys w/the symbols carved in them seem to be wearing martial-arts gi’s...be interesting to see what the connection there is. Doesn’t really go w/their bringing guns, though. I had a thought about what the symbol looked like when I 1st saw it, but I can’t remember it now! BTW, it’s a bit of a peeve w/me about the art that what’s supposed to be a scar apparently continues across the gap btwn. the guy’s pecs instead of either dipping along w/the skin surface or having a break in between.

I wonder what the general thinks the Slayers’ “hard-line ideology” is? And did the guy next to him get hit on the head? Or why’s he holding that handkerchief to his head? I’m guessing we’ll find out retroactively.

"Forcefield?" What forcefield? When was there a forcefield?

Hey, you can kinda see a face reflected in the helmet of the guy screaming! It looks like it could be Amy (esp. given the general’s reaction to who/what else they found w/her)--the hair is the right length & all, only the skin looks cracked or something...& is that a 3rd eye in the forehead?!

Are we supposed to know what a thricewise is?

I keep thinking about the practical implications of Dawn’s being that size.

Hey! Dawn got into UC Berkeley! Mazel tov! @>)

“Xander’s so stupid when he’s right”? By the end of the Dawn/Buffy scene, he wasn’t sounding so right, either.

Buffy says, “I miss that sex.” Not just “sex,” but “that sex.” Does that mean specific sex? Sex w/a specific person? (Whoa--I wrote “purpose” the 1st time instead of "person"! Not sure what that implies....)

Love her thought-path on these 2 pages. “I can’t even feel sorry for myself in a linear fashion”!

“Whoever else was trapped in there”? So Sunnydale wasn’t entirely empty when it sank! Wonder how many people died? I hope they’re going to have the (ex-?)Scoobies deal w/that. And what was Amy still doing there when it happened? Didn’t she know enough to leave when almost everyone else did? Or was staying there part of her revenge plan? As far as I can tell, we didn’t see her again after The Killer in Me.

Amy looks kinda big for the padded room she’s in--the ceiling is just over the door, & the top of her head is at the level of the eyeslit the gen'l. looks through, even though she’s kneeling. I doubt that’s meant to be taken literally (although ya never know), but it’s strange either way.

Anyone else think the glowy ball she’s floating looks like what the psychics at Slayer Central are focusing on?

I’m wondering about her bandages. Scratches just from being in the Sunnydale pit? Self-inflicted? Places where she’s let her “boyfriend” feed on her?

I think we can rule out both Caleb & Warren as being that boyfriend; they both seem pretty thoroughly dead in canon, even given that this is the Jossverse. And apparently whatever’s in the other room doesn’t look human. So probably not a vampire either (going back to the feeding-on-her q.)...only thing I can come up with is maybe it’s what’s left of a Turok-Han who somehow survived the Spike sunburst? She’d have to be controlling him w/magic, or he’d have to have been too destroyed to do anything worse to her. But that idea doesn’t go w/the weapons lab. Do we know anyone who fits all that?

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