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Date Posted: 13:19:45 06/24/07 Sun
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.12: The Sound of Drums *No Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

I've found it very difficult to write anything about this episode, sure I could outline the plot but that isn't really the purpose of these posts (if they have a purpose that is) as far as I'm concerned.

I'm left almost bewildered and slightly disorientated by the path chosen mainly because I don't have any clear idea of what's going on! So much is presented as a fait accomplis without any background and the information presented to the audience arrives in the form of action. I like this methodology even if it leaves me without any definite knowledge from which to appraise the likely chain of events; in all probability that's the intention. The escape from the cliff-hanger of Utopia was beautiful frankly, even if it was a little bit of an easy fix you have to admit the clues were there, and although the pace wasn't AS frantic there was a similarity in terms of sheer volume of content although in this episode it is considerably more unidirectional. All this is probably a good thing but in being the second act of the concluding THREE PARTER (woohoo) the storyline is almost inevitably about the villain and his nefarious schemes and we wait nervously to see how he receives his come-uppance (the fiend).

The character of John Simm's bad guy is strangely appealing for a psychopath, or maybe that's just me. I definitely considered the persona with a certain ambivalence which I think justifies making him as up front diabolical as he unquestionably is in order to distinguish him as evil beyond all doubt.

I'm not sure I can or should say much more in a spoiler-free post except to voice the opinion that the new series of Doctor Who and Torchwood fairly obviously try to make each episode of each series better than the last and with The Sound of Drums they didn't misjudge this at all IMO.

For those who would like a look at a screenshot try this:



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  • Episode 3.13: Last of the Time Lords *No Spoilers* -- Celebaelin, 13:53:20 07/01/07 Sun
  • Spoilery subtext exploration -- Celebaelin, 13:54:28 07/01/07 Sun

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