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Date Posted: 13:53:20 07/01/07 Sun
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.13: Last of the Time Lords *No Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

The most worthy of the episodes to date there is enough to mull over in this that I thought it best to watch it twice before posting. That says a lot in fact - I needed to watch it from the beginning again in order to check if what I thought had happened was borne out by the actual events on screen. It was (yay me)!

So, definitely well written, the opening credits say 'by Russel T. Davies' but Wiki says the writers were Graeme Harper and Colin Teague perhaps it is more important to say that it was a step up in terms of the amount of thought required from the viewer to appreciate it in full.

Having said that the execution was perhaps a little staid. I've been watching a couple of old favourites lately and I've noticed that one thing they have in common is that they use shots with little or no action to set a mood and this seems to have the effect of not making things seem forced. it's difficult to be specific but something's amiss slightly and it's not the cast or the plot. If I had to commit myself to it being one thing I think I'd call it a lack of 'slickness'.

I'm a big fan of slickness of dialogue of course so there's always room for more of that from The Doctor, not that there isn't a fair chunk of just slidin' it on in there from him already but slickness in other regards needs to be a part of it I think. From set dressing to making the most of location shots to controlling, dare I say varying, the pace of the scenes so that the characters aren't always so breathless, even for those to whom it comes easily. Multi parters of greater length, say four to six episodes, would ease the time demands and allow the episodes to have some 'contrast moments' but I'll say no more on that until the next series! Well, maybe after the Christmas episode which will occur I think towards the end of the next series of Torchwood.

But enough of this ruthless bludgeoning! The episode fully waranted a second viewing, it demanded one in fact before I felt I could comment fairly and that has to be a good thing.

Having already written a spoilery appraisal for another board I'll post that separately here. It doesn't reveal much of the plot but it does go at the major elements of the subtext quite extensively so if you don't wanna know don't look!

Until Torchwood gets going again I guess it's unlikely I'll be posting here much, if at all, so catch you in late October I guess.

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