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Date Posted: 14:35:06 06/25/06 Sun
Author: Jordan
Subject: vampires

ok, i've looked through some of the archives and decided that 5 years worth of posting is a freakin lot to get through. so i'm just gonna post this without really checking to see if you guys have talked about this before. but from the parts of the archives that i've seen, you all have had a lot to say about vampires. (well no duh, since it's called buffy the VAMPIRE slayer) anyways, i think way too much so i have come to my own conclusion about the vampires in the buffyverse. now, i can only use 2 examples to explain this, because spike and angel are really the main two vamps that had their histories shown in more than just a scene or two.

you know that whole thing that giles said in the second episode? about jesse and how when they look at him, they aren't seeing their friend, its the thing that killed him. well i can't say that i agree with him on that one. i think that when a person is sired, it's still the same person.

lets start with liam. when he was alive he was pretty much just a directionless guy who got drunk, slept with women, and started fights. he wasn't all that great of a person. although, he seemed to actually care about his little sister. but the bad in him still outweighed the good. he seemed very power hungry by starting fights and probably winning quite a few of them. when he first approached darla we can all pretty much guess that he thought he could nail her, but really she was the one that screwed him. when he became a vampire he still had similar qualities to liam. still wanting power, only this time his power was physical and mental. he liked having that and knew how to use it just like when he made drusilla go insane then sired her, he had control over her when she was alive and after she died too. but then angelus got a soul. he was all guilty and suff for a really long time until he met buffy and started doing things to help people. he seemed like a completely different person, which would go along with what giles said about jesse...

now before i finish making my point, lets take a look at spike for an example. when he was still alive he was just some shy, poetic, insecure, nice dude who probably didn't have many friends. so then, drusilla sired him and he became some big bad vampire, seemingly completely different than how he was when he was human. he was stronger and more outgoing. then he got that chip in his head and in a way was forced to be good and help the scoobiees in order for him not to be staked by them. he did it kind of reluctantly but he was still able to adjust to that pretty quickly. after he got a soul, he didn't seem too different as to hen he had the chip, only you know, he was all guilty and crazy for a few weeks.

my point is that when people are sired, the vampire is still who they are. vampires are a part of the forces of darkness right? so it's just evil wanting its bidding done. so the demon that takes up the persons body and pushes out the soul takes parts of the soul to keep in the person. the bad or weak traits of that person. so technially it would still be that person as the vampire, only with superhero like qualities such as super strength.

what is a soul? a conscience is what it seems to be. i think that a souls is the person, their personality. example time: when some of the scoobies tried to bring buffy back after she died, they were really just giving her body her soul again. buffy was still human though. when angel and spike got their souls, they were still demons. so the demon is strong enough to stay in the persons body, although the soul is just a little more stronger to have some control over the demon.

angel, angelus, and liam are the same person because liams worst traits would have to be his need for power and defiance of the people around him, so the demon in him (angelus) grasped those in order to make him a strong bad ass vampire. when he got his soul back he realized all the bad things he had done, and felt guilty and sorry, which wasn't really seen in liam. but if he has his soul back, then it is him. with the bad traits taken out of his soul by the demon, his soul would be pretty pure and would be stronger in good, so that would help him control himself.

and with spike, he probably had very little to no bad in him at all when he was william. so the demon just took his weak traits: shy and insecure. and when he was turned, he became this tough guy vamp. probably to hide his weaknesses so he wouldn't get hurt again. even though drusilla was the only one who could really hurt him, and that was just because he loved her and cared what she thought. he was always insecure about dru going back to angelus. i think the reason that spike could be good was because the demon took his weakest traits, and those weren't filled with badness. so he could still be a good guy to some extent as a vampire without a soul. but the power and option of being sronger and dominating over everyone else was what he gave in to so he became a bad guy.

wow that was a lot. and dammit if this was already posted before. then this would be a waste of time. but thats what i think about that.

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