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Date Posted: Mon, March 01 2004, 20:39:32 PST
Author: Lindayene
Subject: Re: The Aims and Goals of the army
In reply to: Hellforge 's message, "The Aims and Goals of the army" on Sun, February 29 2004, 15:50:33 PST

I agree with everyone above me... I have been trying over time to organize events and raids and for the most part I have recieved no backing from some of the officers in the guild. If we are going to attract high level characters into the guild and keep them, we need to decide once and for all where our priorities are. Let me say right here that ACTIONS count not WORDS. We all get together and agree these are the things we want and then noone does anything....

We need to start grouping as a guild... It doesnt have to be every day, but a guild event once a week or once every other week is not that much to ask. If you cant make it due to work, family stuff, etc that is understandable... Otherwise you should support your guild and be there.

I know I personally want to undertake several quests but can't for lack of support here (I cant get enough toons in the correct level range that I can count on) and Im sure everyone else does too.

Now keep in mind Im talking about guild raids/events. I'm a social player.. I like to group with others that is why I play, but that is me... If you prefer to solo.. thats ok too... But if you want the guild to help you get quests done, epics done, etc you have to be there for everyone else as well.

Now a challenge to you.... Ive planned 3 raids in recent months... someone else plan the next one. Post it here and one the MOTD and lets start sculpting the Army back into a lethal fighting machine that will make others envious.

I also feel we need some new blood in the guild... lets try to recruit good peeps we meet while grouping. We need some good press, not just the crap Tulo spreads.

BTW- I have been spending a lot of time lately doing trade skills getting ready for the shawl and coldain ring quests.. and teaching my other half the game... Sorry if I have not been as available for groups as I used to be.. But always know that if you need me Im there.

56 Pally

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