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Date Posted: 19:36:20 09/05/03 Fri
Author: Heroicly Heroic Hero
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Subject: In addition to your......rantily rantific rant...
In reply to: Hierophant 's message, "Something that aggrivates the FUCK out of me......" on 16:33:41 09/05/03 Fri

One thing I loved about working at Sampler's was that we always listened to AM 1050, because from I think 10:30 or 11:00 to 5, you have both the Rush Limbaugh show and the Sean Hannity show, which basically do what we do here about politics, without the cussing. It was the most incredible thing ever, and I wish we got that station here in Warrensburg. I'd suggest giving it a shot sometime, as you might like it, as it's far more interesting than Fox news because both are radio personalities with a sense of humor. Hannity, of course, is on Hannity & Colmes, on Fox news. But yeah, Faye or her sister would come along, or especially Danielle, and just rant about changing it to 106.1 or something. Fair enough. So I change it, and we get the ole' Missy Elliot "Work It", which is essentially about blowjobs. Wow.

In fact, yesterday I stopped by there, and it was SO quiet in the basement where they work, and I suggested turning on Hannity. Quoth Elizabeth "No, it's stupid."

Really stupid. My response:

"But it's better than hearing about black guys fucking their boo or some shit."

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  • Wow! Upon cruelly reading my very own, most amazing, post! I was truley enthralled over two lines that of which I shall use as quotes quite often from this point on. -- Hierophant, 19:56:10 09/05/03 Fri

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