Subject: Episode 2x02: Shudder pt2 |
Author: EvilWillowFan
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Date Posted: 15:34:41 09/18/03 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "Episode 2x02: Shudder pt1" on 15:33:01 09/18/03 Thu
@@@next scene@@@
That night, when the three of them are sleeping, the same ghosts come to the same room. Inside Faith's room,
ghost 2 is whispering in Faith's ear, just like before.
GHOST 2 *whispers*
They don't trust you. They don't like you. Nobody likes you.......
GHOST 1 *interrupts*
So.... can I try it
GHOST 2 *smiles* *whispers*
Of course. Give it a try
Ghost 1 moves to Faith's ear and starts whispering.
GHOST 1 *whispers*
You're evil... and you know it..... They know it too. They've always known. You think they're your friends......
GHOST 2 *whispers*
You seem to have everything under control here. I'll see how the others are doing
Ghost two walks through the door and exits.
GHOST 1 *whispers*
You're not evil Faith.... that was of the past. Your friends are willing to give you a second chance. Now....
wake up.
Suddenly, Faith's eyes open. She sits up straight and only then does she notice the ghost sitting next to her.
FAITH *shocked* *hisses*
What the hell are you?
The ghost just looks at her. Faith smiles for a second.
FAITH *nervous*
Sorry.... *who* are you?
GHOST 1 *whispers*
FAITH *calm*
Okay George..... Sorry for the freaking out. What are you doing here?
GEORGE *whispers*
You *have* to leave this house as soon as possible.
FAITH *whispers*
Sorry.... can't. I have a job to do here.
GEORGE *whispers*
You don't understand.... they'll *make* you leave.
FAITH *whispers*
Who are, they?
GEORGE *whispers*
The other four ghosts here. This is our house..... it has been for a very long time
FAITH *whispers*
Okay.... why are *you* helping me?
GEORGE *whispers*
I'm tired of this. I hate the others and I can't get out of here.
FAITH *whispers*
How can we stop them?
GEORGE *whispers*
I don't know. You can't touch us. We can't touch you.
FAITH *smiles* *whispers*
So.... why should we be afraid of them?
GEORGE *whispers*
You can hear us.... and we can hear you
FAITH *sarcastic*
So what? They're gonna talk me to death... *beat*... they're gonna talk us to death?
GEORGE *whispers*
Not to death..... just until you're all gone. I'm supposed to be talking to you now....
*smiles* which I'm kinda doing.
GEORGE *emotional*
We've been doing it for years to anyone who comes here...... can you make it stop?
FAITH *whispers*
Me and my friends will find a way.
GEORGE *whispers*
Yes.... remember that they're your friends. Now lie down again and pretend you're sleeping.
Don't pay any attention to what I say to you after this.
Faith doesn't argue and lies down. George starts talking in Faith's ear again just in time for the other
ghost to enter.
GEORGE *whispers*
You're only a burden to your friends. Why don't you just leave so everyone will be happy. You're evil.....
@@@next scene@@@
Buffy, Faith and Dawn are eating breakfast in the kitchen again. At this point they've all just finished.
You ready for the big fight?
Buffy and Faith stand up, grab some weapons and head out.
@@@next scene@@@
We are facing a big door that looks quite massive. She door shakes for a second. Then with giant force, the
door is kicked on the ground by Buffy and Faith kicking it simultaneously.
Buffy and Faith walk in and find an almost completely empty room. No furniture except for a very small
coffeetable in the center of the room. All three of them walk towards it. There's a note on it that is
adressed to 'The Slayers'. Faith quickly takes and opens it.
FAITH *reads aloud*
Dear slayers, I know you were looking forward to our meeting. I am therefore sorry to say that I have
decided to pospone the meeting to a later time. I hope you won't mind. Please don't make yourself at home
and leave. Love, Matthias.
All three of them are very surprised by this but shake it off and leave.
When they arrive outside, Faith stops Buffy and Dawn from continuing.
You think he's still in there?
No..... but we have another matter to deal with
@@@next scene@@@
Giles, Xander and Willow are quietly drinking tea in an office. Giles is sitting behind a desk and Willow
and Xander are sitting on the other side, using the desk as a coffeetable.
GILES *relaxed*
You know, I really needed this
You glad that all those girls are with their watchers?
Yes...... it'll be better for them
Well.... Kennedy sorta didn't go
GILES *shocked* *shouts*
Don't shout at me! I'm not the one who decided she didn't wanna go....... well, maybe a little
Giles is speechless.
GILES *sarcastic*
God, I miss Buffy
Right then, the phone rings and Giles quickly picks up.
GILES *stressed*
Rupert Giles!
Giles, you sound so stressed.
GILES *calm*
How are you doing?
Fine..... but we have a ghost-problem
Ghosts? Tell me more.
@@@next scene@@@
Buffy, Faith and Dawn walk towards their house, carrying a big amount of jars, tools and books.
You sure this is gonna work? None of us are really good with this stuff
It's worth a try. Not like anything can go wrong
Faith and Dawn look at Buffy with raised eyebrows.
Okay... *beat*... something can always go wrong.
What does this spell do exactly?
In a nutshell..... make them corporeal so we can kill them
What if they become corporeal and kill us?
Giles said they'd revert to what they were before they died..... which I guess would be human.
You guess?
FAITH *quick*
They're human.
Okay, you all know what to do?
Faith and Dawn nod. When they arrive at the house, they enter through the front door and close it behind them.
Dawn takes one of the jars walks a few steps forward and pours the entire content of the jar on the floor,
forming a circle around her. She's also carrying a book.
Faith walks around the room, spraying some white stuff all over the place; probably salt. Buffy opens one of
the books.
BUFFY *reads out loud*
Spirits of the now and before, come before us.
Suddenly, all five ghosts appear before them, visibly confused about what happened. Right then, Faith throws
a large portion of salt over the ghosts, which falls right through them. Then, Dawn opens her book
I call on you, spirit god.... please hear my request. Give form to those who have no form.
Give hope to those who have no hope.
Give life to those who have no life
The ghosts start to shudder for a few seconds. They stop glowing and look at each other. They feel the
difference in them and charge at the closest person; Dawn. When they try to go over the circle of salt
however, they pull their hands back in pain. They decide to go for the other two; Buffy and Faith.
Effordless, Buffy and Faith kill three of them. The fourth one runs for a wall but forgets he can't walk through
it anymore. He hits his head hard and falls on the floor; dead. Buffy lunges for George, who is the only one
still standing.
FAITH *shouts*
Wait... don't! He's the one who helped us.
BUFFY *suspicious*
So you won't try to kill us
GEORGE *smiles*
I promise
George walks towards the door.
Now I can finally go outside. I haven't been outside for more than a hundred and fifty years. Goodbye all.
Best of luck with the house.
George opens the door and attemps to walk through. He can't get out however. After trying for more than
half a minute, he pulls back, extremely dissapointed.
GEORGE *dissapointed*
Well, so much for that...... would you guys mind if I stayed here?
BUFFY *smiles*
Of course not..... would you mind if we did?
GEORGE *small smile*
No..... you're all more than welcome.
George walks upstairs.
I feel kinda bad for the guy
Well, we did all we could.
@@@next scene@@@
We are in the same house as Buffy and Faith were before, to find that wizard. Now, we see two people in there;
a dangerous-looking red-skinned, two-horned demon and Anya.
Matthias! Get your ass down here at once! I have a job for you.
Guest stars:
Emma Caulfield as Anya
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