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Subject: Re: For Mr Maze

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Date Posted: 20:04:49 05/10/05 Tue
Author Host/IP: user-3662.l6.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk/
In reply to: Jean Duncan 's message, "Re: For Mr Maze" on 17:08:19 05/08/05 Sun

It will come as no suprise to anyone who has had close dealings with Hafan and Mr Mayze in the last two years to learn that the day has almost arrived, sought after by dome and dreaded by many, the closure of the centre. I can't say Spiritual centre as much of what happens there now is not to do with the Spirit world in any way.
Inevitably, karma dictates that he will get out of his efforts as much as he has put in and in the same measure. If, hand on heart,he has done nothing underhand and dishonest in his dealings concerning Hafan, then he has nothing to fear, from this world or the next. That of course applies to the above mentioned lady and those who aligned themselves with her.
In our hearts, we know that there has been so much material trouble at Hafan, that the spirits will have long gone from there. All those who genuinely seek and thought it found at Hafan need have no fear, Spirit will not let them down and another avenue will be revealed to them so that they can continue to make spiritual progress. It is after all a personal thing and does not need to be paid for at all, in my humble opinion, of course. Take heart then, if it is still running in truth and honesty, if people are not being used and abused,as has been claimed in relation to those who gave of their skills and labours freely all will be well.

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Re: For Mr MazeOnLooker
08:39:17 05/14/05 Sat

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