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Date Posted: 03:35:05 11/18/03 Tue
Author: Russell
Subject: Re: Dietary Laws
In reply to: John 's message, "Re: Dietary Laws" on 02:01:01 11/18/03 Tue

Well – what makes you think that it was unclean meat to begin with – Paul doesn’t ever contradict the law – He is saying that you can eat anything (THAT IS CLEAN) even if it was sacrificed to an idol – but don’t make a show about – don’t ask just eat – but if you know before hand that the (CLEAN) meat was sacrificed to an idol then for the sake of those who are babes in the word around you who may become confused over you eating meat sacrificed to an idol then don’t eat it

These verses never justify eating unclean meat – the question here is was the meat offered to an idol – not if it was pig or lamb – you have to assume that Paul would eat pig meat to think that it does and if Peter never ate pig meat why would you think Paul would?

I do not advocate eating like Kosher Jews – I’m saying that the clean and unclean laws were not done away with for any reason – Now, that doesn’t mean if someone puts some finely chopped mushrooms in your soup or if someone cooks your Hamburger on the same grill that they cooked someone else’s bacon on or if you eat some pork by mistake - that your going to hell. - It is the intent of your heart that will be judged – do you keep Yahweh’s word or do look for loop holes in it – I eat what Yahweh said was food for me to eat – out of love and obedience to Him and His word – Now, I’m not going to run around and make a big show about asking – is that pork – does that mushrooms in it – and make a big show out of it (don’t ask) – but I’m also not going to go to McDonalds and order a Egg Mcmuffin and act like I didn’t know it had pork on it – your judged by the INTENT of your heart according to LIGHT (knowledge) you have in the WORD – and if can’t find where the dietary laws where fulfilled and done away with – and you know what those dietary laws are – now you are accountable for keeping Yahweh’s word or disregarding it.

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