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Date Posted: Tuesday, June04, 08:17:am
Author: Citizen
Subject: Newburgh Crime

With any administrative change, there are going to be bumps along the way. I am trying to be reserved in my comments, but one thing I need to know, is why the city, council in particular, downplay the crime. A recent shooting on liberty St, across from Washington's HQs occured last night. Coupled with the recent hot lunch federal bust, homicide on Hasbrouck, open air drug market on several areas, we are not making headway. This is no shade towards the CNFD, I know the council, and CM are responsible. They are responsible, because they have cut the detective bureau, city gang, and street units, by personnel reduction. But Mayor Harvey is insistent on hiring a Commissioner. Having a commissioner Position in this small municipality is outrageous. What's even more absurd, is his reasoning, he claims diversity. Why can't that be achieved with a Chief? Or better yet, re-instituting a Deputy Chief position? 180k for that is ridiculous. The mayor and council should defer to professionals to help implement a sound hierarchical structure for the PD, instead of creating layers of bureaucracy. Bad enough the CM cannot be reached unless through a intermediary, his chief of staff. Have we as taxpayers looked at how much this is costing as far as management? Talk of fiduciary responsibility. How much is CM, Chief of staff, Commissioner of PD, and other unamed administrative staff costing us? They focus on overtime in departments, that have been created due to the council understaffing said departments (PD, FD). The summer 🌞 is almost upon us, and us native newburghians know all to well what that brings, when crime is not under control. From what I understand, there isn't enough patrol coverage at times for the city! Please council, I implore you to come back to earth, before we end up like NYC, respectfully. Ms. Monteverde, do you believe the city is unfairly represented as a crime ridden area? The evidence is overwhelming that it is, for a community this size. Need more boots, not bureaucracy. City government looking like the school district as far as management.

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