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Subject: Re: Feedback?

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Date Posted: 04:32:44 04/07/04 Wed
Author Host/IP: dialup-
In reply to: MTsFan 's message, "Feedback?" on 05:21:23 04/06/04 Tue

I secretly think dear VK makes the boards clean so we will mess it. It does have an effect, the call of a clean board is just too much :D
When I originally wrote this Angelus was to remain a secret and the reader was to work it out. It does make more sense knowing he'll be there though. The clues are more obviuos then. You picked up a couple of the clues. The familiar voice, Joe knowing William and Gus Lane being a few :) No idea where ominous came from ;)
I won't tell you what happened to enable Angelus, not in Angel to happen. I'll leave it to you to read as the final arc was very well written by fellow ARV writers, and shouldn't be missed. The BUffy question was answered too, but in season 5 I think. See I've passed on my dreadful memory to you or you'd remember that Spike came back human early in Season 5 too:D(teases)
It's Pg rated I think..will have to get someone else to answer this one..LOl But I do have to hint at certain things and I like how Faith and Spike have been written with their tension. Makes them both like big teases to each other. Yes that was a bit slashy :)
LOl If you had Angelus talking in your head wouldn't you want out?
Ooh! Pure souls go right through walls. Why did Spike slam into the stage? I think I stuffed up but give me awhile and I'll work on a feasible reason. Oh that's it Angel left a hole in the wall when he went through and Spike used it. That will do..maybe:)
Low Blow but it did work as she hoped
Faith's kneeing would be a reaction to his words to er, which made her mad.
Thanks for feedbacking hugs:) It's great to know what things worked and what didn't..OK I'll admit you have a point for the wall thing :D
Please when you get a chance(I know you have alot going on at the moment) read the other eps you'll be more than hooked. They're fabulous!!

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