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Subject: Re: Worried Men

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Date Posted: 18/07/06 11:14am
In reply to: Tom Clode 's message, "Re: Worried Men" on 17/07/06 7:08pm

I think there must be something wrong with my ears you know as I never find any band that plays the Blues Dragon (or anywhere else for that matter!) too loud. Didn't know there was such a thing when it came to live music actually! I'm sure Terry and his alleged imminently shattered windows was a case of him being in a bad mood and exaggerating for effect. I agree that the bass seemed particularly rumbly (technical term) but I'm sure it could have been easily rectified. It did seem that the band was really put out about being asked to turn it down, which I can understand, but the strop that followed just turned everything sour. It was almost like, with much foot stomping and pouting, if they couldn't have it their way they wanted to ensure no-one had a good time, which was a real shame.

I still can't get my head round people complaining about the volume when they go to see live music but I think the band handled it really badly too. I'm sure we all appreciate that it had nothing to do with Da Management though and agree that they handled the situation very well. Just a shame that the night was disappointing and that one of my fave bands may not be coming back.

Bring back Route 66 (the Mystics) I say!!

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Re: Worried MenTallboy (probably censored)20/07/06 8:24am

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