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Date Posted: 12:10:48 10/08/04 Fri
Author: jamelah
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Subject: yeah, yeah
In reply to: volt 's message, "Overestimating the audience" on 10:53:03 10/08/04 Fri

Dear V,

I actually prefer to think most people aren't complete morons until they prove to me otherwise. This may or may not be true, but it sounds good in either case.

Anyway, the format of October Earth is open-ended, in that there's no rule saying that responses must be any one kind of writing. The fact that most people choose to answer the questions directly is fine, since that's the most, um, direct way to go about it. I choose not to do that because I don't want to, and that's pretty much all there is to that.

It's okay if people don't pick up on the fact that I'm writing fiction since the majority of them don't (and probably won't) know me anyway. I've found that there are all sorts of things that have been assigned to my LitKicks persona that really have very little to do with who I am, so it's fine if my fiction gets read as autobiography. Wouldn't be the first time.

As for the minimalist fiction bit, well, the piece that started this whole thing off was nearly 400 words, but no matter. I find that it only really gets challenging if I give myself 100 (or less) words to work with, otherwise, it's just the way I write. This is just one of the many reasons why I'll never write a novel.

In any case, the strength of your argument does not depend on the strength of the writing displayed on LitKicks. I hope that wasn't what you were suggesting, because that would've been illogical. And we can't have that.


>Dear J,
>It's a bit too morose and urban for Green Acres, isn't
>it? But you could probably pull off Green Acres...as
>they say, write what you know.
>If you are writing fiction you appear to be about the
>only one on the Oct. Earth doing so. So the format is
>a bit unclear. Most people are writing some immediate
>letter to the editor thing, some are scribbling theiup
>r usual hep-cat dylanesque lyrics or Maslow at the
>Esalen hot-tub thang....
>I suspect only a very few readers are going to pick on
>your "literary masks". Whatevah. Is this an exercise
>in some sort of minimalist fiction? Best story under
>250 words?
>The argument is not weak--the writing on LK is weak.
>But who cares. You people are not there to create real
>dialogue, or to objectively review manuscripts: you're
>looking for hepcats, or to offer some freak like Judah
>a place to play with her puppets.
>Jammy, jammy, you trollop, I'm through

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