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Date Posted: 07/24/04 8:26am
Author: Elven
Subject: .:I have good reason-what about you?:.
In reply to: Aliéné 's message, ":-::Ironic. Prince in Hiding::-:" on 07/23/04 7:41pm

Was it possible for the world to be yanked from beneath your feet like an enormous living carpet? If so, that's exactly what happened to Elven. One moment she was steadfast and stoic, safely ensconced behind invisible barriers that could save her from all harm. The next moment found her on her knees, the shattered remnants of her 'wall's scattered about her dazed figure. The blow was too deep to allow a complete recovery, the pain wouldn't allow her to gather the shards to her bosom and painstakingly began building again. In that span of time, she stood frozen, a statuette carved by the hand of the Creator to forever embody the spirit of pain. After a harsh, ragged breath, the mare finally moved, her head lowering almost imperceptively.

.:He's...not here:. she murmured softly, the fire dimming in her dark eyes. The thick shrouds of misery threatened to enclose her once again, drowning Elven in the dark recesses of her own heartache. Stubbornly, the grulla tightened her jaw, she would not succumb to this weakness. Posture straightened and resolution returned, she found she was able to meet the young stallion's eyes. Somewhere in her growing strength the dame found her voice and now emitted lyrics in an icy stream.

.:He was last seen in The Exodus:. she reported, each word clacking together in a stacatto rhythm. The maiden fell silent, her gaze boring into the young stallion's features. She could only guess as to why he was after The Sandman but truthfully, Elven wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know the answer. Why go searching for the knife that was destined to plunge into your heart?

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