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Date Posted: 20:45:30 02/09/07 Fri
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 21:15:52 02/06/07 Tue

Jon ate silently as well, his gray green eyes glancing at her occasionally but mostly staring at the table or at his food. He'd never been popular, and the crowds Sara hung out with had been the ones that had picked on him and laughed at him for being poor and a bit of a nerd. He'd never liked sports though recently he'd gotten into tennis as a pass time, thankfully he had a fast metabolism and he didn't have to do much of anything to keep fit. He'd never had a lot of friends, and only a few close ones throughout his life, when he thought about it he'd really never been very close to anyone except his mother. And he'd deffinitely never been good with girls. Oh he'd had plenty of girlfriends since leaving highschool and starting a new path, but none of them were worth much of anything, never very important. He felt foolish for it, but he couldn't help but feel maybe Sara was different, despite their age difference. He looked up as she spoke, giving a small sheepish smile. "Sorry, i didn't even think about telling you my name.." He said, then pursed his lips. Ms. Montgomery, another member of his growing fan club. "Ms. Montgomery huh? What was she saying?" Jon asked curiously. Usually he wouldn't care, but for some reason he wanted to make sure Sara wasn't hearing anything about him that he wouldn't like. Maybe he didn't want her believing the boasts that female teachers and students had been making about him.

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