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Date Posted: 08:04:46 02/20/07 Tue
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 00:49:42 02/15/07 Thu

Jon looked up as the door opened, smiling at Sara as she stepped in but glancing behind her out into the hall, praying that no one saw her coming in here. Maybe he should lock his door.. He pushed away from his desk as she asked if he was busy, shaking his head. "No, I'm just not very hungry." He said, watching her. God she was so beautiful. Here alone in his class room he couldn't help but feel the urge to kiss her, hold her. But he restrained himself, standing from his chair to lea against his desk. It took him a moment to answer her about the competition. In all the excitement he'd nearly forgotten about that. "Oh? I'd almost forgotten.." He admitted, feeling a little ashamed for it since he'd been the one to suggest it in the first place. Jon glanced at the door. "Sara, you know you can't be asking me stuff like you did this morning in school.." He said softly, he didn't want to sound like he was preaching at her or something but it was true.

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