Subject: Re: Coah Renark? |
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Date Posted: 06/28/06 11:32pm
In reply to:
's message, "Re: Coah Renark?" on 06/27/06 4:59am
>She sounds really nice - but Dad I really DON'T need
>to here about the *winking*. Lol.
LOL Sorry about that. I know, I can get carried away sometimes. :)
>I'm really glad you found someone.
Me, too. :)
>Okay - sure. It sounds good :)
Hey, that was a blast, sailing this morning. Carrie was sorry she couldn't join us, but she's, uh, getting over a, uh, cold right now, so she didn't think it would be good for her to go out on the ocean. I should've remembered that. *shrug* But, we had a great time, didn't we? I like your gf. She's interesting.
>I'm really close to Columbia so I don't need a dorm I
>can take the subway. I should be good on everything
>but books and school. Lol.
LOL I had the Columbia in South America, the country in mind. lol Duh! No, Columbia's a great school. That's where I got my degree. It's fantastic. You'll love it there.
>It sounds fun - in a weird sort of way. I probably
>needed something like that a few months ago. lol.
Yeah, well, just make a deal with Kate. :) She's not using now, is she? I mean, did you two quit together or is she still using?
I was wondering, do you think it would help to get away somewhere relaxing for a few weeks? Do you think it would help with the urgent feeling? Cuz, if you want, you could stay at my Island, Crow's Head, for a month in Fiji. You could take your gf with you and I could come visit, too, if I woulnd't be in the way. Just say the word and I'll take you and show you around. It's the best place to relax. I also still own this really awesome retreat in Cambodia, in the forest, there. And we have a monestary of monks set up on the property now. They take care of all the wildlife and the place in exchange for land for their monestary. They might be able to really help you with getting over hte addiction. Wasn't your mom Bhuddist? I'm so bad. Can't believe that's not a stronger memory than it is, but I do have that memory. We used to go to temple together and it was great because she's actually the only gf I've ever had who practiced the same religion as me. Did she stay bhuddist until she left? or did she change? Are you bhuddist or another religion or nothing? Hmmm. those are good memories I have with her. We used to practice yoga and do meditation together, too. :) It's so nice to be able to talk about your mom with you. :)
>No - she won't. She's actually at NYU right now. I'm
>technically done with 3 years of college (through
>online courses) so I'd actually only need one year of
>full college. Which is good.
YOu should wait until you finish college to get married. I mean, what if she gets pregnant while you're in college? I dont' want you to have to drop out and her either. Of course, you've got enough simoleans now that you wouldn't have to, I guess. Didn't think of that. i'm remembering what it was like when I went. Damn. I was so broke! lol You remind me so much of myself at your age in some ways, but in other ways you're so much stronger and more mature than I ever was. I'm proud of you, Dam. :)
>Yeah she's my only girlfriend. I don't take after you.
>lol. I've always had one girlfriend after another. But
>only ONE girlfriend at a time.
What kind of accent does she have? And, btw, I think that's great, 1 at a time. Your life will be far less complicated, less chance of hurting feelings or Ooops! accidental preggies that way. We have to feed her, Dam. lol You want some curves on her, right? So, start taking her out for desserts or keep ice cream stocked in yer fridge and encourage her to eat it. I know how that is, though. Addie was like that. I mean, she was lucky that she was naturallly stacked and had curves, but she was too skinny all the time. It was like pulling teeth to get her to eat. Drove me crazy, sometimes, but can't argue with them. They want a certain look. I did threaten to put her in the hospital a couple times though when we were together. Didn't earn me any brownie points, lemme tell ya. So, take it from me, don't threaten that. lol Not worth the aggravation.
>You at CT sound like you really love eachother...
>That's good dad.
We do, alot. And we're the same way on so many levels. So, she's pretty understanding, (as long as I don't blow her off to go out with someone else), about other women. And she tolerates my need to rent a pair of legs on occasion if I can't get a date somehwere and she's not available. We tried the monogamy thing for quite awhile, but I guess we both need a li'l more variety or something. I mean, it's not even that, really. It's just that we like to feel independent and unattached. It's like an illusion or something I guess and doesn't make sense to anyone else but us. But that's the cool thing. It does make sense to her and she really gets me that way. I never thought I'd find someone like me. lol
>I was sick as hell trying to quit. Like I had at 105
>degree tempature one time. And I was shaking and shit.
>It was horrible. And only one hit of smack was needed
>to make me feel better - but I couldn't have it.
Yeah, I bet. Aww, I'm sorry. I understand. I've gone through something similar, but not as extreme, probably, before when I had to take pain pills for awhile when I got hurt.
>I'm still sick alot and I want smack so badly. I see
>my dealer on the street and I just want to buy a stash
>so much - that usually I end up buying it and throwing
>it away on the way home. I'm really close to using
>again - but I'm not willing to go back into rehab.
See, it seems like if you were to get away from all that, get out of the country and away from the dealer and familiar surroundings for a little while, it might do you a world of good. Please, consider my offer, ok? No pressure, jsut if you need it, it's there. Actually, you can go there whenever you want to. I'll make sure the staff knows about you. Wolf rents the island from me once or twice a year, but he'll only be there for a couple weeks this year. I think he's planning on going the first 2 weeks of September if I'm remmbeering right.
>Because it sucked. I'm honestly starting to think - is
>it really THAT bad for you? I've even tried to do pot
>and acid to give my self that good feeling. But it
>didn't work. Smack's my thing.
Pot sucks. I mean, I'll smoke it if I have a bout with asthma or get bronchitis or somehting, cuz it seems liek it helps me breathe for some reason, but it makes me really depressed, so I don't like it. Cody liked it, I think. lol I mean, he never told me he used it, but I think he did recreationally, you knwo? The parents are always the last to know about these things. lol Acid freaks me out. I've never used it. I don't like the idea of getting paranoid or stuff like that. But, I do totally understand about Heroine, MOrphine, really any kind of opiate. That's my thing, too. Well, I mean, not heroine, but somethign like it. Shit, now this'll probably end up in the rags and I'll be labeled an addict again. *sigh* I've been through that alot. My biggest thing are speed and sleeping pills, though, to be perfectly honest, Dam. JUst want you to know you're not alone, you know? I haven't used since I retired, though. I dont' even remember where I put my pills. I wouldn't put it past Carrie to have tossed them overboard, actually. lol But, when I was working, I just needed to be "up" and "going" so much that I just had to use it. And I get really bad jet lag whenever I fly. I get it really bad to the point that it makes me ill and I'll sleep for days if I dont' have a pick me up, you knwo? So, I understand what you're saying and I think we kind of tyr to justify what we're using by saying, It's just ___ so it's really not that bad for me. Or, I only use it when I need it, so it's not liek I HAVE to have it or I'm addicted. Or, It's prescription so it's ok. Yeah, I know what you're saying, Bud I get it. I'm really glad you feel like you can be honest with me about this. I'll be happy to listen whenever you want to talk about it, ok? And any way I can help, jsut let me know.
>Hey does alcholism run in the family? I'm serious -
>because Cody was like that right after his wife or
>whoever died. He drank himself almost death. That's
>what I've been doing.
Yeah, it does. My dad was a huge boozer. I don't ever remember him NOT drunk. He beat the crap outta me all the time. That' swhy I ran away when I was only 14 or so. I just couldn't take it anymore and got to the point where I didn't give a crap if he lived or died. He was a mean ol' bastard, (0 nice points, literally). I really can understand why my mom left us when I was a baby.
>Oh - don't worry. I'm not a social drinker. I never go
>out to drink. I'm embarssed by it. I drink - home
>alone. I never go anywhere.
Oh, god. You probably get that from me. I mean, I drink socially, but I get STINKING DRUNK when I'm alone. I think it's probably one of the reasons I don't like to be alone, maybe. Huh, I never thought of that before, but I can see where that might be true for me. I mean, if I'm not alone, I won't get so plastard that I pass out for days. lol So, it's probably one of the reasons I always want a women to spend the night with me. Besides, like I said, it's a really good diversionary tactic, right? lol
>Seriously - I'll drop you off. Lol. I hate rehab. But
>it would be a good bonding expirence. Lol.
Fuck that! lol I'm not goin' if you're not. lol I think I've got it under control. Besides, my kidneys would probably go into shock if I dried up completely. lol We can bond just as easily at the retreat, or in Fiji or on a camping trip. Wanna go camping? I haven't done that in ages. Have you? lol
>Hah - I love my mom. She was amazing.
I'll drink to that! *wink* lol
>No - not by any means. We did wait awhile though.
>Until our first anniversary. Which was honestly good
>because she was just 18 and I was 19 going on 20. It
>would have been weird any other way.
Yeah? Well, good for you. I'm glad she treats you right. I can tell she's really hot for you. It's like so obvious the way she looks at you, Brah.
>Honestly - I never liked my home life.
I remember. :/ I tried to talk Em into letting you come live with me for awhile, but I think she thought I'd a) get you into the biz; b) spoil you rotten and c)have you drinking and fucking around instead of goign to school and stuff. She would've been right about a & b probably, but I've always been tough on the kids about getting their education. And, as for fucking, I remember you and I had a man to man when you were around 13 and I had no worries about you in the girl department after that. :)
You knwo who I did worry about though? cody! lol He was so shy, I thought he'd never get laid. Turns out he was just a late bloomer, but he was like you, a one woman guy to be sure. He didn't have the best judgment when it came to girls, either, but I really liked his first gf. Can't remember her name, though, but she was hot and hot for him and they were good together. She was his first and he was so in love with her. She really broke his heart. I think he only had like 3 gf's his whole life. When he fell, he fell hard and fast for someone, you knwo? lol It's fun to remember stuff about him. We were pretty close, you knwo? Not as close as I wanted, but that couldn't really be helped with the job I had, right? Even so, we got along good and he really turned out very well. Alot like Addie. well, actually, he was JUST like Addie. Had her shyness and sensitivity. *sigh* I sure miss him.
>But my mom did
>let me have a lot more freedom
LMAO! That is so fucking funny. And here she thought I'D be a bad influence on you. lol I would've been more strict, but at the same time, you would've had alot of freedom, jsut because of the kind of life I led. but, yeah, you would've had a curfew and no drinking! lol However, I still think she did a good job on you, cuz despite your little snafu's, you're a really great guy. :) Btw, I'll take all the credit for your mom letting you have girls over. I gave her a couple worst case scenarios and she actually listened to me that time and decided that it would be much better for you to see the girls at her house, rather than the alternatives. I told her, at least you'd know for sure he'd have protectiona nd wouldn't get any of 'em preggers if you let them come over. lol
>Yeah - you know I don't even know my sisters or
>brothers anymore? I haven't talked to them in 3 years.
>I don't know where they are even. And I don't care to
Yeah, wel, that's ok. As long as you're alright with it. I don't have any family, except you, but I meant, relatives, you knwo? I was an only child. I actually thought it was pretty lonely, but of course, it doesn't bother me now. However, family is family, Dam and they are your sibs, so they'll be there if you need them and vv. That' show family works.
>I look alot different now.
Ahh. I see. Carrie's Jewish, di dyou knwo that? I've learned alot about her faith since we've been together. She's not like uh, I dont' know what you call it, but she's not super religious, but she does you knwo follow it pretty much. It's interesting. I won't be converting, though. I'm happy being bhuddist.
>> So I like my new looks a little bit
That's good. I liked my old looks better, but I'm used to my new one now.
>Hah - Dad. Seriously I live in New York City. No
>driving necessary. But thank you :)
Sure, anytime, son. :) So, what's your gf gonna do when she graduates? What's she majoring in?
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