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Subject: is that wise?

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Date Posted: 18:14:44 01/15/03 Wed
In reply to: Jin 's message, "And yet another unexpected event...bummer." on 16:04:31 01/15/03 Wed

Is taking this girl to the Hogoromo clan wise? That was the first thought that flitted through her mind, the second, Is it wise to leave her behind us? The answer to the first was a possible maybe, but the second was a definate no. Shaking her head slightly she stood away from the girl, a child she couldn't even bring herself to call her daughter, and faced Jin squarely.

"Are you sure we should bring her into the heart of your clan? Isn't there someplace else that would be just as safe, or someone that could watch and protect her? I don't trust demons further than I can kick one, assuming I let a demon get within kicking range of me of course, and having one appear so fortuitiously is something I distrust. As for staying here, I'd rather have walls at my back, but since you know this area better than I do and you want to stop to rest then I think I can provide some walls for shelter.

Turning away from both she knelt and touched the ground, feeling it respond to her touch and command, thick walls forming from solid earth to create a sort of cave like place. It rose higher than Jin's head, and was wide enough for all three with plenty of space between them. Frowning a little she sectioned it off into three cubicles, a room of sorts for each of them. Rising from the ground she surveyed her work and shrugged. She could have done better, but why bother? It would sink back into the ground after they left in the morning. Gesturing at the girl, whom she still couldn't remember the name of, she motioned for her to go in. Looking pointedly at Jin, she turned and walked off into the forest to find dinner. They would have to settle for whatever she could find, and that would all be plants. She wasn't about to call the wolves to help her hunt, not now, not yet. She did however send her mind ranging for her hawk Kyrr. She hadn't dared to reach towards her feathered friend for fear that the vampire would use the bird against her. If Kyrr was close she could hunt for something small, and she could supplement it with whatever herbs and wild vegetables she could find.

The silence of the forest was soothing to her, a familiar refuge that had been an escape for her for a very long time. The piercing scream of the red-shouldered hawk had her smiling and looking upwards for her friend. Kyrr's eyes saw her as a tiny speck on the ground and furling her wings she dove, a killing stoop that she broke off and ended in a glide that brought the bird to her upheld wrist. The bird rubbed her beak against her friend's cheek and nipped lightly at the exposed ear playfully. She had missed her friend, and had for lack of anything better to do, watched over the two elves, seeing them arrive at the Hogoromo castle in the company of the Knight. She thought that they would be alright in the company of the Knight's brethren, and watched as the demon set fire to the forest surrounding the castle. The bird showed her her memories of the two leaving the sanctity of the castle to help guide the other animals to safety, and saw their subsequent capture. She showed a picture of another girl, one that stopped a very familiar creature from pursuing. Wyrd had been set to follow the two to where ever the demon was taking them. Why she would do such a thing was beyond Lashana's comprehension. Shrugging she asked the bird if she would be willing to hunt for her, and the bird gave a mental snort at the request. She would, only because Lashana was Lashana, it was not something she would do for just anyone. Launching the bird back into the sky to hunt, she began her own hunt for the herbs that would make a decent meal.

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Cold SnowTiani20:28:41 01/15/03 Wed

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