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Date Posted: 21:37:23 09/06/06 Wed
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Stunningly Sexy Smokin' Susan

It's hard but I'll limit my comments to 2 things. Interesting that Carter has a daughter named Carla. Oldie, I realize it's tough to think up that many names, but you've got to do better. Also, I thought Amber only played softball and had to smoke to lose weight to do that.

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Date Posted: 07:54:34 09/06/06 Wed

Morning to all. Please tell us about Wednesday's smoking. My sons had no sports last night but 3 nieces did. I'm sure the smoking kids found a way to smoke. The adults sure did.
The news started at work today when Myra tendered her resignation. She's going to marry Carter, called Cart, at 10 a.m. on Sept. 30. Cart's oldest daughter Carla was among those to congratulate her.
Michelle, the young boss at work, said see if I introduce any other women to Cart. It seems Cart has been married 3 times and has children by all the marriages.
He has 5 kids. The night before the wedding is a home football game.
The next week is the team's open week. It will be open down the line, including his sons' 7th grade game normally on Tuesday.
Cart's oldest daughter, 22 and apparently recovering from a drug problem, also works where II work. Michelle allowed her to be hired without a drug test.
The girl does smoke but Myra does not. Cart's third wife, mother of the twin 7th grade sons, does smoke. The other children are teen girls who attend a big-city high school.
Cart is a good friend and former high school teammate of Peggy's husband. She plans to host an announcement reception next Saturday.
Last night at the high school volleyball match, we won. Evelyn and Howard were there with family. Evelyn and Shirley, their 19-year-old daughter, went outside to smoke with the rest of us. Privately, Evelyn told me she was going to kick one vice at a time.
Her other vice is drinking. Monday, she threw out smoking and her drinking. Last night, she was smoking with Shirley.
Evelyn said smoking fits during football season in this community. She said one drink leads to another and only stops when she passes out.
I think that is sad but it would be difficult to tackle both vices. She started back on both last Wednesday. She said she was sober 8 years and got off cigarettes about 6 months after stopping drinking.
Evelyn's youngest daughter, Suzi, 11, was there and never went outside. She was seen smoking with my niece Cindi a couple of weeks ago. Apparently during Evelyn's serious stupor Friday and Saturday, Suzi was given cigarettes by her older sisters.
As for Jan's 12-year twin daughters, they stayed inside when smokers took a break. The girls were with Diane, mother of Cindi. As Diane and Cindi headed out, Diane told the girls they were going all the way to the car. They said no thanks. Diane asked if they were sure, saying their mother would not mind.
I take that to mean Jan, the mother, will let the girls smoke but they choose not to make a habit of it. That seems smart on the part of the young girls.
On the court, my nieces -- Karen, Sharon and Shelli -- all played well. Evelyn's daughter, Shannon, did not start the match but came in and played very well. Amber, who goes with my oldest son, did not play all that well.
My oldest cruised with the kids after. He said Shannon smoked after the match and still was trying to get inhaling down. He said Amber is making up for lost time as far as smoking but concerned that even her younger sister will soon get promoted to the varsity and get more playing time than she gets. After the freshman match which Bridget played in, Linda and her 12-year-old daughter Carole took the long walk to the car. After the JV match, Bridget joined them.
Linda had a son on the football team who graduated. She smoked only during last season but is cranking up in a big way this year.
Obviously, there are mothers smoking with and allowing their pre-teen daughters to smoke.
Any mother who takes pride in their young daughters smoking is apparently not alone.
Way too much. Please tell us about your Wednesday smoking.

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