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Date Posted: 10:53:18 07/03/07 Tue
Author: Haylie
Subject: inside
In reply to: Kyrian 's message, "Inside" on 14:47:53 07/02/07 Mon

Disappointment made her lower lip jut out in a little bit of a pout as she sighed and tipped her head, though she understood his reasoning for them being unable to move with her really looking about ready to pop. "Well, we should at least go look at it and maybe make an offer if we like it." She stated, her head cocked to the side as she gazed at him. "And yeah, it's four bedrooms but I thought..I mean if we do have another child I don't want to have to move again because we don't have enough room for it and if we don't have any other kids, well then we'll turn the extra rooms into game rooms or something." She shrugged a little, gazing at him thoughtfully from where he was sitting down on the floor. "I just think it would be nice to have a backyard for the kids to play in, The one that I think Shay will like has a pool in the backyard and the schools are really great in that area." Who would have thought Ice-Queen Haylie, the bitch with the brains would be thinking about fenced in swimming pools and area schools. It definitely wasn't something she had envisioned for her future but she had done her research on the surrounding community when she had gained an interest in the house. A low breath escaped her lips as her hand moved over her stomach at the forceful kicks, her eyes rolling a little. "I think she's doing gymnastics." She made a face before she reached down to give him her hand. "Help me up and I'll go figure out where we should order from." She smiled absently, her head cocked to the side. She looked like a happy, content, radiant pregnant girl. Her tank top was snug over her stomach, her lounge pants hanging on her hips, her dark hair pulled back in a messy pony tail. Yeah, he had her pretty pampered and spoiled and she was enjoying. She was officially on maternity leave, though she wasn't sure when he would be starting his paternity leave. Absently, she wondered if he would even be taking it. She knew Remy had only used like a week of his...

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