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Date Posted: 22:10:29 05/25/08 Sun
Author: Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie 's message, "
Now is the time for our lives to change
on 20:47:55 05/25/08 Sun

(There had been a time when he had likened the agency to a junior high.. news just had a way of traveling fast - even if it wasn't meant to. He'd had a hell of a week and a half and was basically looking forward to a warm bed and an even warmer girlfriend to snuggle up to. Hell, he'd spent the better part of his flight home smelling her purfume and could have sworn he had heard her voice whispering in his ear. Lord, he was whipped, and he was well beyond the point of caring now. Traveling several thousand miles aboard a C-130 cargo plane was not his first choice for transportation, but with a swollen hand and an equally swollen eye.. but he wasn't going to complain since he was going home. He'd been seated across from Braden for more than three hours, of which the other man had slept exactly two hours and fifty two minutes. He hated people that could do that.. just pass out comfortably in any situation. Here he was, stiff, sore, exhausted and more than ready to be at home.. He tipped his head a little, eyeing the other soldier, who had secured his bandanna to the seat back and passed out, then shook his head and tipped his own head back against his seat. Nearly an hour later they were on final approach and he was already mentally running through his debreifing.) Dude, wake up. (He tapped Braden with his foot and watched his friend nonchalontly gather himself together as the airplane settled into it's approach. Within the hour he was on the tarmac, lugging his rucksack and following Braden and three other officers towards the main building where they would be debreifed before going home. WIth a low sigh, he contemplated how much cleaner and.. well.. more homelike.. the air felt whenever he returned to America. He smiled at that, and was just about to poke fun at the way the women were eyeing Braden when his cell phone went off. He tugged it out of his pocket and eyed the word 'skeeter' before flipping it open and quickly talking to his friend. By the time the conversation was over he had let out a low curse and was jogging towards the building, Braden in his wake. Once inside, he was breathlessly telling his commanding officers that his girlfriend was having his baby.. that he had to go to the hospital at that very minute. Elation and anxiety warred within him as he struggled to get the clear to leave base prior to debriefing. There simply wasn't time.)

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