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Subject: Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...

Tania Cuevas
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Date Posted: 16:41:57 03/08/06 Wed
In reply to: Cris 's message, "TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class..." on 14:25:59 03/07/06 Tue

He showed himself indiferent to his own material, and he dared to threaten students by saying that they were not going to go home if they did not pay attention, that made the students feel stressed, annoyed and dissapointed about the class.

He shouldn't had threatened his students. He shouldn't have graded the exams or gone to chat with another teacher, because it showed the students that the material was not interesting enough to pay attention. He critized the television and the programs that students like to watch when he could have encouraged them to try to see those programs in English. I also think that a programme like the one he showed, has an advanced level, and some times, students from intermediate level find it hard to understand if the teacher is not there to explain the contents or clarify doubts.

The objective of this activity was to practice listening comprehension so in order to do that he should have prepared activities that students could have done before, while and after seeing the program. For example, a pre-activity could have been a fast explanation of what they were about to see and perhaps explaining some unkown words for the students but which played an important part in understanding the context. A while-listening activity could have been filling a chart or answering some questions, then students would have to be attentive to get the answers. And a post-activity would have been a revision of the charts or questions and a brief discussion of the programme, if they liked it or not and why. After these activities, I don't think that a homework would be necessary. And the most important thing is that students have something to do and they don't get distracted easily. And the teacher should be there all the time to supervise the student's job and help if necessary.

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Subject Author Date
Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...laura17:23:37 03/08/06 Wed

Re: TASK 3: Using a cultural tv show in class...Cris15:40:19 03/15/06 Wed

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