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Date Posted: 01:12:35 05/01/03 Thu
Author: .owen.
Subject: .if.she'll.let.him.
In reply to: Erica 's message, ".the perfect answer." on 07:03:27 04/30/03 Wed

[OoC: Just finished writing this... and wow... posting this. This is seriously the 'date' that would rock my socks. I'd be un-concious after hearing a guy say what Owen says below... I'd be like... just wow. :-D I am so like... silenced. This is my favorite post that I've ever written. I am simply speechless! I luff Owen so much. lol... Eeee!!!!! :-P This was my plan, by the way! XDDDD I fink it was worth the wait, I mean... It's such a fun suprise. ^_^ Ahh.. Shutting up now. READ, READ, READ! :-D]

Well, Owen had never ridden the �Raging Bull� before, but I�m sure, if he knew that it related itself to this subject so perfectly � he�d want to.
Outside, all around the barn, stars twinkled brightly up in the inky blackness that night held on to. Owen was squinting his eyes and watching those stars as Erica spoke the right answer. The perfect answer. And then Owen realized that this was it; the moment he had talked about before. This was that moment. In silence, he shifted her gently out of his cross-legged lap, and made sure that she sat so that she was facing him directly. Both of her hands fell prisoner to his, as he tilted his face back down to stare into those eyes of hers. Those brown eyes; her eyes, the ones that literally caused him to have a heart-attack with just one look. Owen watched her with a steady gaze, as his trademark lopsided grin slowly edged onto his lips � almost to the point where it seemed to stretch ear-to-ear. �I know one star you haven�t seen�� He whispered, squeezing her hand softly. With a bit of a chuckle, he murmured, �And it�s not in the sky� Or my eyes.� Suddenly his face grabbed a serious edge, and held on tight. Everything about him just seemed to go all calm, as he pulled a tiny blue velvet box from his pant pocket. The velvet was fuzzy in his palm, and sort of made him smile slightly� He was going to do this. Was going to do this, and know that it was the right thing to do� He wouldn�t lose her Erica. Nope, not ever again. Slowly, he pulled back the lid of the box, and inside sparkled a ring. An engagement ring. The ring was pretty simple; a star-shaped diamond in it�s center and two smaller diamonds guarding it�s side. All three diamonds were implanted in a band of shimmery white-gold that�s underside had the inscription, �yours forever and always� ~ owen.� Yes, Owen James McAllistor wanted to marry Emma Maeve Moore� He had for a long time, actually. As Owen started down at the box, he had no exact clue about what he was saying, but just knew he was saying something� and that that something sounded pretty decent �since it was pouring straight from that swelling heart of his. �I know you�re only 18� and that you�ve got this great life ahead of you.� He inhaled a quick breath, watching her fiercely with those chocolate eyes. Slowly, he continued on -- despite the fact that he felt he was going to burst with the million-and-two feelings that were pulsing through him at the moment. �And� Well, I guess I want to be a part of that life, if you�ll let me. I want to be around to kiss away your tears, and share in your joy� I want to be there tomorrow, the next day, and even the day after that. I want to be there with you, until we�re so old that we look like prunes and we can barely move. And even then, I�ll still think you�re the most beautiful thing, inside and out, that has ever walked the face of the earth.... I want to marry you, Erica Maeve Moore. I think� I think I actually need to marry you."

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