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Date Posted: 19:59:26 08/18/19 Sun
Author: Reed N. Wheap
Subject: Re: Karpeles Museum About To Disappear
In reply to: updated records? 's message, "Re: Karpeles Museum About To Disappear" on 13:33:28 08/18/19 Sun

That, as you say, "the current Orange County online property records indicate the current owner to be... Karpeles" is the cause of the concern here. Where did the rumour of a "sale" begin? Who started it? What started it?

The "Parcel-Information" link is interesting. But it's Orange County & we know, from past experience, that "what happens in Newburgh often stays in" a darkened corner of some obscure little office. Proper paperwork is seldom, if ever, properly filed & secrets remain deep, dark & not to be questioned. (Reminder: In the 60s, the Urban Renewal pact was rejected on the surface & yet, the wrecking balls flew until Nebwurgh was left with the desolation it now touts as "open" or "green" spaces. Also of fact is the matter that's been swept under the floor boards of the aforementioned obscure office is the fact that the reason Newburgh was left empty is because the "renewal" funds were supposed to be applied for & never were. Newburgh just couldn't be bothered. Typical. Poughkeepsie got those funds because, well, they applied for them.)

"newburghny.org" is, just by virtue of its name & those who are responsible for it, certainly not a reputable or trustworthy source of information, unless somebody's searching for biased fiction. Though the write-up is fun to read.

Bottom line is that the information on at least 10 sites I've already checked is 2-19 years old. If the sale took place recently, it seems to be a golden secret and if that's true, there's more to be questioned than a simple sale. Who purchased the building, for what purpose, since it's earmarked "historical" what will be done with/to it? And so many more questions. What should cause a lot of people a lot of lost sleep is Newburgh's "history" when it comes to "historical" anything: demolition. (Though the suggestion of making it "condos" is hysterical. As if anybody of any proper means would want to risk investing any remarkable funding in that area, so close to some of the worst slums in the country, no proper markets or services nearby, &c.)

I'll suppose we'll all just have to wait & see what's to come of the old place or maybe somebody will "accidentally leak" the truth. There's been a request for information put in with one of the brokers who have the MLS on it. Hopefully that will be posted here in short order.

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