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Date Posted: 06:31:16 03/18/11 Fri
Author: FTD From The Distillery
Subject: Re: Garbage clean-up per ward
In reply to: Mrs. Ewing 's message, "Re: Garbage clean-up per ward" on 04:14:51 03/18/11 Fri

Considering the health issues involved, how about a max. of either 3 or 5/household (bring a piece of current mail to prove residency), pickup at city hall, library, civic centers, armory, schools, retailers who'd like to participate ("Participation" in local interest, imagine that), some of the "tax free" locations (You know who you are. Give something back to the people who are paying your way.), neighborhood groups, organizations & committees, use some of those empty storefronts as temporary distribution locations. How's that for starters? The city could even give somebody some business incentive by contracting to put some kind of ID on the distributed bags like a big DPS (Dept. of Sanitation) on the bags to avoid other use/abuse, show the public who in town cares enough to participate and who doesn't. The city could pay a minimal fee for the ID service or offer a tax break. Maybe even use a bright colored tie for the bags to make them obvious.

It's not just a matter of making Newburgh pretty. Let's face it, kids are going to be playing in this garbage and pets and animals are going to be eating it. When the rats start running through your kitchen maybe then somebody will wake up.

(Now let's watch this idea die before it's born. Like other constructive ideas, this involves the dirtiest 4 letter word in town: work.)

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