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Date Posted: Mon July 09, 2007 23:21:25
Author: Mad Bomber
Subject: With those constraints, no, not possible...
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Dark Question: July 9th, 2007" on Mon July 09, 2007 04:02:44

It just wouldn't be possible. There is no way the populous could let Vampires live if they knew of their existence. It would be like a wolf living amongst the sheep, a fox in the hen house, a lion with a heard of gazelles. You get the picture. No one would let things be. Humans would never rest knowing that Vampires are out there, and have been out there, feeding on someone's child.

Now, if you took out the part about the cure, that could be an interesting side conversation. Could that even happen? There would need to be specialized police in place to make sure that Vampires were living off of the cure instead of human blood. If you broke the rules, you would have to be dealt with. And, much like the conversation on the Shack Forum right now, would Vampires want to take the cure? Maybe an interesting topic for a future dark question.

Good one, Com, talk to you all later, Me.

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