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Speaking from some experience that I've had online with the Shack, I've seen a side of things that I think would drive most people insane in the long run. Folks who, like me, smile and laugh online, but are secretly contemplating suicide. Folks who can't stand one another for this reason or that reason, hidden loves and infatuations that are unreturned, heartaches, insults, long standing grudges, actions done out of's amazing to see 'behind the scenes' of what goes on. And that's JST with a little website like the Shack! I've merely gotten a peek at what it's like to see what life is when the mask comes off. Imagine if you were to see that every day, in real life? Imagine if you saw everybody's pain, and anger, and insecurities, and jealousies, and sadness...unrestricted.
I may be taking the 'red pill' in the matrix here, but I think I would go mad if I saw it all. I think my views would probably become bitter and cold if I found out that 'this little boy knocked over the other boy's sand castle just because he hated it for being better than the one he built himself.' I think that would kill me inside to know that people's motivations were so simple, and cruel.
I do really like what Obsidian said, "It's like reading poetry, you can interpret it anyway you want, but only the author knows the true meaning of the words." Which is definitely something that I'm going to be thinking about some more. Because how we see people's thoughts, and interpret their thoughts, are two different things. And that says a lot. So I appreciate the input, dude. It makes perfect sense.
Also, Lemons, another good point made was the idea of 'seeing it all before'. Like...what would mind reading be when time has passed, and I'm able to look at the act with some level of 'expectation'? What if things like sex, and hatred, and joy, and envy, and depression, and prejudice, all became commonplace to me, and there were no more surprises left? Maybe I'd get just as desensitized to the average person's thoughts as I am to your average horror movie's gore. And that might make it easy to stay out of their affairs. I might just take a glimpse and keep moving. That alone, might make for a ecent story or "GFD" spinoff. A vampire who has grown accostomed to the idea that people are, for the most part, bastards in every possible way.
And that's what I'm afraid I'll find if I could read. That the good and hope and promise that I see in other people, or even in myself, is just an illusion that we all put out there to give us an advantag in getting what we want. That our kindness is just some rehearsed action that we need to go through in order to screw over everybody else and think about 'number one'. If you ask me, being able to read would probably ruin everything for me. I doubt I'd have any hope left.
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