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Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it wasn't the right choice... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 00:33:48 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Certainly ending the cycle of never-ending "potshots" between Cylon and Human can only benefit... I just damn well hope that either a) D'Anna and her cohorts start showing some remorse and try to make serious amends; or b) it all goes to hell in the next few episodes *because* the Cylons still won't accept that what they did was wrong. They've made noises about recognising the mistake, but they've made no move to qualify those with any actions pointing towards making amends - they've basically just gone "oops! My bad" and tried to brush it all under the rug and start over. The only ones who've tried to show the humans they are truly sorry are Caprica and Athena, and I just don't buy the rest of the Fleet being happy with an armistice just because the President's forgiven them. I know I wouldn't be.
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They shared the same goal -- Chani, 10:40:00 06/15/08 Sun [1]
now they have to face the same distress...I wonder where they'll go from there!
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Its going to be jaw-droppingly interesting, to say the least... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 23:22:19 06/15/08 Sun [1]
And what's going to happen with the 1s, 4s and 5s?! I doubt they're going to stay out of it for long!
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Re: There's a big difference between what happened in Season 3... -- Esmerelda, 00:21:48 06/15/08 Sun [1]
I'm inclined to agree with ABM, but for slightly different reasons. What the humans (led by Lee and Roslin) were proposing was an attack that would have crippled the enemy that was chasing them through space hell bent on destroying them. Not an attack on people who might, one day, possibly, come back to pick a fight with them.
It was also an atack on a legitamate military target, the basestars and resurrection hubs. As far as we know, there is no such thing as civilian Cylons. There all part of the Cylon military machine. Military, IMO, is a fair target.
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I remember that discussion we had in Italy... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 00:47:54 06/15/08 Sun [1]
About whether or not bombing coffee shops on Caprica was the right move on Anders' part - the topic of "civilian Cylons" came up there too!
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Re: I remember that discussion we had in Italy... -- Esmerelda, 00:53:07 06/15/08 Sun [1]
The problem I had with that was the iconography of it, the bombing of *coffee shops*, which is a civillian space, even if there weren't any civillians in it at the time. It of course ended up forshadowing what happens on New Caprica, where Tigh wantes to use suicide bombers in the market, which would have inevitably killed civillians.
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Even Anders (poor, sweet, dumb-as-a-bunch-of-really-stupid-rocks Anders) knew that was wrong... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 00:58:44 06/15/08 Sun [1]
But I (and Seema!) already expressed my willingness to do what Anders and his people did on Caprica :)
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It would have been interesting to see though -- Esmerelda, 01:13:50 06/15/08 Sun [1]
If Anders and Cheif would have continued to refuse, or if they'd have eventually done it. I've also always wondered what would have happened to Doc Cottle? Who was patching cylons up. Would he have been shot as a collaborator eventually? I'd almost like to have seen them going after Cottle, just for the verbal smackdown that made them shuffle away in shame.
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