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Date Posted: 19:03:11 02/24/08 Sun
Author: anonanonanon
Subject: Re: whaletown park again
In reply to: Bub 's message, "Re: whaletown park again" on 11:38:54 02/24/08 Sun

The R-1 properties across the road could yield up to 3 small, separate areas of park IF the various owners choose to subdivide and IF they dedicate park instead of 5% of the land's value.

While a "common" park is intended to be enjoyed by the whole community, the 5% park dedication for a subdivision aims more at recreation for the subdivision's inhabitants. It is not on a scale, and probably not at a location suitable for concentrated use by the whole community. Proximity to the new homes also makes it less desirable for community scale events because of noise, parking, traffic etc.

It's also important to distinguish between "park" and "public assembly"; park implying unspoiled, natural and outdoors, while public assembly contemplates community hall and commerce, parking lots, traffic, people and noise.

The substantial acreage of Whaletown Commons provides opportunity for both on a scale and at a location that should be non intrusive and all around harmonious, which means Whaletown Commons still wins by a large margin!

The problem is the current "plan" is hopelessly inadequate and unlikely to succeed.

So it comes back to 1. scale down expectations and act on something within reach (or wait for people to subdivide and hope), or 2. adopt a much bigger, more realistic plan capable of producing $600K pluse other expenses (that will be considerable).

This is simple, everyday stuff in the big world out there. Why is it so difficult for the community to grasp?
(I know the answer. Do you?)

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