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Date Posted: 22:09:28 02/24/08 Sun
Author: Bub (The Answer Is)
Subject: Re: whaletown park again
In reply to: anonanonanon 's message, "Re: whaletown park again" on 19:03:11 02/24/08 Sun

Money is really not the difficulty here. Holding those responsible and finacially accountable for the mess could easily pay for the entire property.

Just look at Joel Solomon and his bogus Renewal Lands (hide the profit under a differant hat)Corporation. They were under contract to purchase this Whaletown property as a package along with the Siskin lane/Cemetary Rd properties. Rewnewal Lands could have made this the parkland dedication in there development proposal. Considering He was the prime negotator to re-purchase the Hanks beach property for an additional 700k above the original purchase price, spare money is not the object.

Mr Solomon and Renewal lands along with his Whaletown Realtor cancelled the Whaletown land purchase. And now its up Community Beggers and the Taxpayers to aquire it.

Mr Solomon's only concern for the Whaletown Community is to Piss on it as he drives through to his "For Profit Empire" thats building on the south end of Cortes Island.

If we hold all those responsible, The problem will be resolved quickly.

Wealthy people like Ralph Nursall, Joel Solomon and George West don't like having their dirty Noses rubbed in the shit they create for others.

Harsh words in a toxic community but thats reality of living here.

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