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Date Posted: 10:12:04 03/09/08 Sun
Author: Eco Ethics (Long way off)
Subject: Re: Well...It's Her Job !!!
In reply to: Anonamouse 's message, "Well...It's Her Job !!!" on 19:54:09 03/02/08 Sun

Planting trees gives the land renewal a 10 year head start and leans it in favour of a healthy future forest. Its horrible to see the diseased forests that come after cut and run logging and visionless community planning.

I agree Alders are a healthy transition but its the mistletoed hemlock thats taking over the forests of cortes.
Leaving it to nature is fine if you promote leaving the forest fires to burn. Wiser long term planning is whats needed. Not realtors conniving how to divide, coverup and profit from forest land conversion. Look at the permenent deforestation mess at sisken lane.

So you support deforestation of forest lands simply because its Martha's Job.

Do you also support the loggers who mowed it down and never re-planted because its their Job.

Using your logic you'd also support Geoduck workers isn't that their job. Is it ok if Martha resells goeduck leases too... Because Its her job.

click analyticsIts a Loony island if you ask me.

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