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Date Posted: 14:23:40 10/25/07 Thu
Author: Jodi
Subject: Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?
In reply to: Lawrence 's message, "Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?" on 05:19:20 10/25/07 Thu

Jodi trots in and sees Rhylie, Jamie, Lawrence, and Mikalah. She stops Apollo and waves to Rhylie. She forces Apollo into a canter and leans forward. She sits above the saddle as Apollo clears the jump with ease. She sits deep in the saddle and pressures Apollo's reins as she comes up to Rhylie. Apollo stops as Jodi commands. Jodi leans over and places her palm on Apollo's chest, between his front legs. "This is Apollo Smoke," she says to Rhylie,"I just got him today. I lunged him for around 25 minutes to try to calm him down from the trailer ride, but he wouldn't, so I decided to bring him out here and get a little excersise. He is a Warmblood stallion...5 years old," Jodi says patting Apollo's neck. She continues," He isn't even breaking a sweat and I trotted him from my ranch, to yours. He is a lovely horse." Jodi pulls Apollo's reins a little as he steps forward. He begins to grow impatient as he sees Rhylie's mare, and Lawrence's stallion.

"Whoa Apollo," Jodi says,"Brandon told me you guys were out here."

Apollo Smoke, a 5 y/o Warmblood stallion:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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