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Subject: Re: Coles County

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Date Posted: 12:21:15 10/13/09 Tue
In reply to: Coles member 's message, "Re: Coles County" on 20:14:41 10/12/09 Mon

>Please answer these 4 VERY simple questions....
>1. How much money/percentage would your group expect
>to make off the track
>2. How do you think you could help a club owned track
>that puts 100% of its profit back into the Club ?
>3. When was the last time you went to a meeting ?
>4. Would you put it in writing that micro-sprints are
>the MAJOR focus of the track and would receive the
>majority of the purse ?

Answer to your questions:

1. I do not put it into money made or a percentage. There would be some monies there, but as far as putting a percent to it would not be of any concern to anyone but the investing group.

2. Its called AGRIVATION. I am not 100% positive, but for those who do put in a majority of their time and effort into running this track, I would think they would just like to come race and go home without the worry of expenses.

3. Last time to a meeting, about two weeks ago. The last time I was at a Coles County meeting was 3 months ago. If you cant get the BOARD MEMBERS to show up for a meeting, I would not put to much into the last time I went to a meeting.

4. I WILL put it into writing that Micros ARE and WILL be the focus of this track. Yes, The purse money will go to the program that brings in the crowd on their given night or event. I can also put it in writing that I would find it very difficult to run Karts and Micros on the same venue. I believe there is two different tracks that need to be prepared to host a top notch show with both being given a fair and honest track to race on. With that being said, I do not want anyone thinking that I am pro Kart. I am not, but they may want to run on a Friday or Sunday. But they also need to pull their own weight. There are a ton of options.

5. What would the club want to do with their share/money out of this deal.

People, I am serious about this. I am not going to waste anyones time. If the members or perm board are not interested, that is fine too. I will still support Coles County. Again, I am not saying anything is wrong or there is any trouble of any kind. Just looking at options for my group and trying to see if this might relieve some of the members of all their work and allow them to race the track rather than manage the track.

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Re: Coles CountySpectator14:25:49 10/13/09 Tue

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