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Date Posted: 09:41:16 06/16/09 Tue
Author: Nararea
Subject: I'm starting to have doubts about this game

Just seems like Mythic has a different vision of this game than I did.

My idea of fun is not standing on a BO waiting for a tic nor doing a stupid city dungoen. Not trying to defend a keep as I did yesterday being lagged down by the 204 destros attacking it.

Since the Burlok transfer I can't really say that I anjoy this game anymore. It's only about zergs and zoneflipping.

The alliance we are in is shit. We don't need destro, the Archmage in our group killed him self 3 times by falling off high ground.

They like standing around waiting for stupid ticks that gives them 370 rp, or a zone lock and are getting on my nerves.

Vacation is coming up som maby I have a break and hope things work out but can't see much hope. Looked at the server page yesterday and destro is dominating all servers so ther is no server merge that can bring back hope.

I'va had so much fun leveling up with you in this game but I have to agree with a lot of the forum people when they say that the end game is utterly broken.

The only thing I enjoy now days are balanced scenario fights which we rarely do nowdays.


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