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Date Posted: 20/02/25 13:41:52, Thu
Author: Start thinking of the dancers, rather than the trophies you want for social media
Subject: A Joke
In reply to: Some of the top dancers driven out by this bullshit . Might as well flush your money, time and sanity down the toilet then pay for ID in this day and age . 's message, "Never going to change . If your teacher isn’t up to their neck in corruption then you’ll never go far. Look at the top 10 all cheating teachers every one of them." on 19/02/25 23:58:48, Wed


The sad reality......if you are willing to put all of your money into their schools (classes, private lessons, absurdly priced costumes, fund raisers etc) they MIGHT try and make a name for you, that's if the child has natural talent and they can wing the corruption.

You know the corrupt ones as they walk around the place like they are something special, when in fact 9 times out of 10 the teacher themselves cant even dance anymore so your child gets taught by the top dancers of the school (which is actually a good thing if your teacher is incapable) or from someone else from another school if you have the right mates.

there seems to be nothing fair about the championship side of dancing anymore. Just say your prayers that your teacher might fix things for you.

So many AMAZING dancers out there that will never get the recognition they deserve. A change needs to be made before dancing just dies completely.

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