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Telcoltl had lost track of Emmaline for a moment as he pulled out his wallet and chucked a couple of larger bills on the table. What was money anyway, he thought. It was paper and a hell of a better deal than trading goats. Why? Because money wasn’t really worth anything. You got it for working, you didn’t have to keep it alive, or worry about it getting sick. You just had it stuffed away to hand out. And then they took the money and repeated the motions. Paper money didn’t teach you the value of anything. He’d gotten lost in his trivial thought of the current currency until he heard Emmaline voice change. He had smelt her fear before he actually saw it, though. He had sensed a panic in the room from Emmaline and the second drunk. Telcoltl immediately analyzed the situation and just like in the alley his heart fluttered so his instinctual brain took over. But there was no calm assertive now. It was aggressive in every way. The way he moved forward should have been the first warning. It was slow. He kept his eyes locked on Emmaline’s. If only she could have understood the panic in his heart but the aggression in his head. If he could have spoken past the fury he would have said, “I’m coming, love. I’m coming.” He moved slow enough to give the men plenty of time to get their hands off of her. Once he was at the man’s shoulder he reached out. The man had had his chance and Telcoltl wrapped an iron grip around the back of the man’s neck. With one tug he sent the man toppling over backwards. Telcoltl moved so the man could fall to the floor and then he placed his foot on the man’s chest. His lip was curled in a snarl and he reached past Emmaline for the second man. Telcoltl lost conscience around this point. His anger blinded him. To the rest of the bar though? It happened so fast people would speculate for years. The second man in his plaid shirt went crashing to the floor in a spray of glass from the mirror over the bar. The first man lay motionless without any visible cause of death. Telcoltl’s chest heaved more from anger than from physical exhaustion. When Telcoltl regained sight, he had his arms wrapped around Emmaline’s small frame. He was whispering in her ear softly, reassuringly, and calmingly asking if she was alright and if she was hurt. His little Emmaline. The only reason violence was okay. |