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Date Posted: 14:33:13 03/27/10 Sat
Author: Emmaline
Subject: Is it love? Or just the drink?
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "_-so tell me, then-_" on 14:14:41 03/27/10 Sat

Emmaline kept her eyes on his as he looked over and slowly began to walk towards the three. He looked...menaacing and dangerous. She didn't like it but she knew that it wasn't directed at her. As he approached the men gave a few last touches and squeezes and she tried to move away but the second man still had a hold of her. Telcoltl moved so fast that she wasn't even sure what had really happened by the time both men laid on sprawled out on the floor in front of her. Gah what was wrong with her. She was a vampire for heaven's sake and here she was shaking and feeling slightly violated. Even the alcohol wasn't helping her.

She felt his warm arms wrap around her softly and gently holding her to him. She shook her head softly into his chest before moving out of his hold and grabbing her coat from the table that she had forgotten. She moved back to him and slid in next to his side wrapping her arm around his waist. "Lets just get outside...please...we can talk out there..." Her voice was still slightly shaky even as she snuggled into him. Please help alcohol....she needed to forget this ever happened, forget the touch of the men's hands all over her body, the feeling of them gripping things they shoudln't of. "Please, Telly."

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  • _-yes. its love-_ -- Telcoltl, 14:51:49 03/27/10 Sat
  • I hope so. -- Emmaline, 16:46:58 03/27/10 Sat
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