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Subject: ||.when did we become so fixated.||

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Date Posted: 18:32:56 09/21/09 Mon

Another shit Monday.

It seemed to me that life any more was all work and no play. If I wasn't working I was cleaning, and if I wasn't cleaning I was sleeping. Moving here for a job had seemed like a very adult thing to do--and being so eager to play grown up I had leapt at the chance to exercise my independence.

A sticky bench, and a dying cellphone were my company this evening, luckily people were anti-social enough to leave me a good foot on either side. I didn't feel like cuddling with any investment bankers or attorneys today. Half watching the lemmings mill around me I bit into an apple I'd withdrawn from my messenger bag. A man fat man took the liberty of invading my bench space, and I set to intently avoiding the bruise the apple had received from my laptop. If you look busy strangers don't feel obliged to entertain you with their small talk. Ignoring the wheezing sounds my bench mate made with every breath and trying not to inhale the pungent odor of parmesan I sent a few end of the day emails before finally shutting my Blackberry off.

Finally I found an excuse to move away from my sticky bench, trotting further up the platform to get myself an Evian from the machine. The machine ate my $1.75--probably God's way of saying I shouldn't be judging smelly fat guys--and then I dropped my wallet sending all the rest of my change chiming across the concrete and rolling off in all directions.
Oh, and did I mention I dropped the Blackberry as well? A crack zinged across the face of my poor sweet little phone. Pouncing the wounded electronic I scrambled to power it on and it made a brave effort, sputtering a jumble of colors and lines on it's crippled interface before going out entirely.
"Not another one..."
I whined, more to myself than anything. I am the Queen of Cellular Destruction, and I'm pretty sure my company was done replacing my mutilated devices. Hopefully I wouldn't murder the laptop this week, too.
Shouldering my bag, I glowered back to the benches suddenly very tired of my heels and done-up hair. I needed a beer.




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.:.I never was.:.Telcoltl10:48:13 09/27/09 Sun

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