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Subject: ..::Runaway::..

Craig Rhymes
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Date Posted: 17:42:41 10/16/09 Fri
In reply to: Verda Thorne 's message, "::Leader of the Pack::" on 15:41:14 10/16/09 Fri

Craig sneezed heavily at her iritated and teasing words, Showing how wrong they were with that simple action. Wasn't planing on challenging the pack... Just don't expect them to take kindly to me sniffing around you... As she spoke again, he stepped up beside her and set his nose to the ground, searching back and forth to find the scent and single it out from the stench of the subway. He thought it best to simply ignore her show of teeth, as she clearly wasn't driving him away. He followed her as she took off, leaving enough room to stop quickly and not run into her, but no more. He took the corners a bit easier than she did, springing into the turn instead of scrabbling on the cement. All the while, his nose kept taking in the scent, making sure they didn't miss anything. He slid to a stop behind her, setting his nose to the ground and tracking the scent up just as she had. He settled back onto his butt and scented the air, wondering idly where the manhole surfaced. But it was too far to get a read from the surface, and he wasn't about to shift and crawl up there butt naked with her watching from below... I know that smell... but i cant seem to place it... It was close to putting his hackles up, knowing and not knowing. It made him feel liek he was being watched...

I put the pedal to the metal
as the sun goes down.
Leave everybody sleepin
in this sleepy town, tonight
And at the break of day,
I'll be a runaway!

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::Leader of the Pack::Verda Thorne18:10:15 10/16/09 Fri

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