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Subject: Posting

Mike Giordano
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Date Posted: 08:41:31 10/19/09 Mon

Mike sat inside his camaro in the parking lot outside the subway station. He had overheard some conversation in the club about this particular stop that had perked his interest-something about an unofficial bulliten board was at this stop for some of the seedier work around town.

He opened the door to his camaro, swinging it shut behind him, and walked around to the back of the car, lifting the trunk. Mike glanced around to make sure noone was watching before he quickly removed his shirt, grabbed a concealed vest from out of the trunk, secured it to his chest, and threw his shirt back on. Next, he reached in and grabbed his dual chest holsters for his Mac-10's. After securing that down, he pulled his black leather jacket from out of the trunk and slipped it on, but leaving it unzipped, covering up the bulky harness he now wore. Lastly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his favorite accessory-his aviator sunglasses-which were of course, 100% reflective.

Feeling abit more comfortable before heading down into the unknown, he slammed down his trunk, locked the doors, and jogged down the staircase into the grimy subway station. He checked his watch-0124..should be plenty of freaks out about now, he thought to himself. He bought a ticket, made his way through the turnstiles, and sought out an empty bench. Here, he parked himself, ready to do some people watching..and hopefully find some work

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One Life To LiveMidori13:21:58 10/19/09 Mon

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