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Subject: I worked with Mike During The Whole Thing!!

Jim Saffen
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Date Posted: 01/25/06 10:42pm
In reply to: Dr. Schmidt 's message, "Mike Warnke" on 06/21/05 11:09am

I worked with Mike Warnke as a sparsely paid Road Manager back in 1989. I know truths about this situation because I saw them first hand. What I have to say is extremely opinionated and extremely truthful. First off, Mike Warnke is talented.. in ways that church hadn't seen before. Mike understands complexities of the church/the world and now with so many divorces..relationships the way few people ever could. Mike has traveled as much as any person alive..so he has that too. I think as Mike's Road Manager for one season I saw face to face what people have been wondering about.. I can say without a doubt that some money fraud occurred and those allegations are true. I saw the piano the car the house..etc. I saw the money being brought in concert after concert. Interestingly... I don't think Mike did anything extravagant himself. Mike's ex-wife Rose Hall and her brother Neale.. were quite a pair. She cheated on Mike during thier marriage and married the guy she did it with. Mike thought he was doing the right thing by continuing booked concert dates. In reality, it was only sheer luck he found Susan on one of those concert dates.. He did not "go crazy" with Susan, but rather had a heartattack..dissolved the old ministry and divorced, rightly so Rose Hall. Just to be mean for a minute: I never liked her or her brother. I view them as steering Mike down some bad roads. I wonder about the old ministry and the new ministry... because the old one was an entertainment driven one, this new one clearly is not on the same vien. This may indicate real change, or necessary change to keep going. I can only speak to what I know of Susan.. his current wife//and that is not much, except that she is light years ahead of/manerisms of, methods of and marriage of.. Rose Hall. In fact, this appears to be a real marriage with no hidden undertones. His first was childlike mistakes, Rose came as a mistake..this third is the real one. For that I don't blame Mike and that is why I write this..Frankly, the wife part of this is Crystal Clear to me. The ministry thing is after all this time also getting clearer because he didn't try to be this big pumped up mess again or Go hollywood.. and he could have tried that. Bottom line is this: I worked with Mike directly and it was painful to see all of this. I think as long as the money question is clearly settled as it appears then maybe Mike is being TOO HELD BACK! Meaning? have you seen the pastors on TV? this is what we are reaching out to America with? Put Mike on TV today..! In other words.. If Mike is somebody who really got his marriage right, money right and ministry right..THEN ISN'T IT MIKE WARNKE WHO SHOULD BE SHOVED BACK UP FRONT? SERIOUSLY.. IF THIS IS THE CASE, BECAUSE MIKE WOULD DO THE CHRISTIAN CAUSE A LOT OF GOOD IN AMERICA.. Ask yourself this compelling question: "Is there anyone else like him? who could do it?" I worked with Mike Warnke and was furious with the situation as others were.. but I am also not so STUPID as to let my Previous experiences or his Previous missteps let the Scar be the focus. It is Time for MIKE W RELOADED. Thanks for listening

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Re:Dr. Michael E. Schmidt04/18/06 10:16am
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